4.3 Dangerous when wet - storage cabinet

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4.3 Dangerous when wet - storage cabinet

Post by Matt_Coffs »

Good afternoon,

Our sodium has always been stored in our flammables cabinet. I've been asked to buy calcium now too and am looking into alternative storage for both. If any of you have dedicated 4.3 storage cabinets, have you managed to find a small one for just a few bottles? Where from? Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

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Re: 4.3 Dangerous when wet - storage cabinet

Post by mtg »

I couldn't find an affordable one. Depends on your budget and quantity. But I store sodium in its jar that is then in a plastic container and the 4.3's are in a tub at the bottom of my shelving mid way as far as possible away from other 4's and the flammable cabinet. The oxidizers are in a
(not) vented cabinet. Really just look at how likely is the jar to break and water to spill on it and store it accordingly. If you are worried about the jar breaking, perhaps halve the quantity and store in 2 jars. Calcium is pretty stable and will get a coating on it in no time which slows the reaction.
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