Uses for starch packing beads

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Uses for starch packing beads

Post by Matt_Coffs »

Does anyone have good uses for the starch packing beads?

We dissolve them to ...
1) make a quick starch solution
2) as little people by using toothpicks for arms and legs for genetics
3) burn them to heat water & calculate energy (2 starch beads heats 10ml of water about 15 degrees C).

Any other ideas? We've got boxes full and will throw them out if we can't use them.
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Re: Uses for starch packing beads

Post by Lyn »

Don't throw them out. I've had mine for ages but they are diminishing in quantity. They can be used for any prac that involves insulation, drink cans with different insulations - measuring temperature drop, making energy wise models of houses (kids love to have paths and gardens using the beads). Must admit that I have never thought about using them to heat water. Thanks for that tip.
If you really don't want to keep them then pass them on to some craft person who may use them for packing fragile stuff (glass or pottery), to take to any markets in the area.
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Re: Uses for starch packing beads

Post by Prima »

I have also collected boxes and think I need to throw some away too! Would love to pass them on to someone who needs them but it's just too much effort.

A drop of iodine turns black - shows the starch content.

Great idea I picked up from a website was to help you when hammering a nail into a piece of wood. Lie the peanut down and push the nail through the middle of the peanut. Hold the ends of the peanut (instead of holding the nail) and then you can hammer away with less chance of banging your fingers!
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Re: Uses for starch packing beads

Post by bella »

If you dip the ends in water and hold them together they should stick to each other. Can be used to make creatures, bridges etc. Not real strong but a bit of fun.
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Re: Uses for starch packing beads

Post by Marama T »

They're compostable if you really do need to chuck them out. They can even be chucked straight into a garden somewhere. Just do it while it's raining or water them in.
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