labeling old chemicals in store

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Re: labeling old chemicals in store

Post by Labbie »

Goto lady, please do NOT stress out. Any label printed by WHO EVER is NO GOOD anymore. It must be a GHS label with a picgram thing onit.

So go to chemwatch and print out HCL labels for 0.1M HCL and label or cover all the bottles that contain 0.1M HCL. Then the next day do 1M HCL, then some thing else, that way you have started. We started on all our dropper bottles first, it took ages to relabel all the droppers.
Ask your SAM to have some extra help etc so they can label, you just need to print off the labels.
Regards Labbie

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Re: labeling old chemicals in store

Post by Merilyn1 »

ELIZABETH wrote:Could anyone going to the in-service PLEASE ask when RiskAssess are going to produce labels......too much more ChemWatch FFX will push me over the edge I reckon!!!!!
Phillip is hoping to have this up and running sometime mid year. Maybe at the training days I'll get something more definite.
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Re: labeling old chemicals in store

Post by gotolady »

Many thanks for clearing up the labelling problem. I am not really worried about it as I feel the responsibility still lies with the department. I am working my way through my list of chemicals but may as well whistle dixie if I want any help. You are aware that the office ladies (as nice as they are) just don't have time as they are always really busy...sorry for the sarcasm but get tired of the same tune being sung. They think we sit around doing not very much, when none of them have ever worked in Science. :redcard:
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Re: labeling old chemicals in store

Post by bigmack »

It typically takes nearly an hour to print one label on Chemwatch ....because the NSW DET computer system is so bloody slow , I spend most of the time watching the 'doing something" wheel going round and round , only to find what I'm seaching for is the wrong one , so onto the next one and so on.
It is a total waste of the departments time .

So seeing as we all have the same dropper bottles with the same chemicals in them at the same range of molarities , why won't the department just get several thousand printed and send them out so all we have to do is replace them .

All the same , all compliant and tens of thousands of hours of employers time saved .....but what would I know
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Re: labeling old chemicals in store

Post by gotolady »

I know that we don't take off the original label off the chemical container but can we take the label off droppers or label over the top of the old one? Sorry it seems a silly question but labels are difficult enough on the droppers without adding another one. Thanks for your patience in answering our questions. :clap3:
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Re: labeling old chemicals in store

Post by Merilyn1 »

For droppers which have been labelled by yourself (or someone before you), I would remove the old label and replace it with the new one. Just be careful to do a batch at a time so you don't get bottles mixed up! I would feel uncomfortable with removing a commercial label off a bottle of chemical.
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