Insurance travelling while shopping for school

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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by Kathryn »

I too have been following up on this subject by asking our business manager who contacted our insurance company. Shopping outside my work hours are not covered but for attending inservice/training etc. this was her reply....
"Signing in on site is irrelevant; if the worker is attending a work related event during the course of employment as instructed by their employer, they would be covered regardless."
Sounds as though it is quite individual depending on the insurance company and thier interpretation of coverage. I agree - we need to be careful!
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by Jazz »

ASET could tackle this, what do you think Margaret?
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by bunsen »

And you would think the union would be instructing workers not to go shopping for science materials until this problem was rectified?
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by cheltie »

I had a lady here from the union the other day and she told me I was not covered if I went to the shops during school time under the new NSW laws. She said my car is not covered because it is insured for private use not business. She told me to order everything on line and have it delived but she didn't realise the sort of things we have to get.
She said the principal could write a letter to say I was on essential school business and then I would be covered by the school but not the Department. The school probably can't cover big payouts so she said not to do it.
She said if I pick things up when I am doing my own shopping in my own time my car would be covered by my personal insurance but I wouldn't be covered for workers comp. We are no longer covered for journeys to and from work.
Not quite sure what to do about this.
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by fibreweb »

I pick up most things for school in the afternoon as I am getting my own stuff for tea.

(My husband and I usually meet at Coffee Club at 5 for coffee then into Woolworths)

I am there anyway, If I slipped on the floor I would not try and claim it as workers comp just because I bought a potato for school along with $50 worth of stuff for me.
If a car ran into mine on the way home, I would have been there regardless of whether I had that potato in the shopping bag.
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by Labbie »

I agree with you Fibreweb, but not every one is honest like us. That is why things have been changed, it just cost the gov far too much. We now have 24 notice in this school, since these reg's came into force. And so far the teachers who are covered (During school hours) get their potato or onion them self. It has taken nearly all year to get this far, but at last their are no last minute "Can I just have this" Some are still learning. So SAO have abused the system, so the DEC or gov have stopped SAO (School Admin Officrs) from going shopping. Sad really.
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by sunray18 »

I have contacted the IEU and they are going to address this matter, eventually. Until then contact your own Insuracne company to get a ruling.
I contacted mine and they said that, as I only went shopping a few times a week, my car will still be covered. BUT I could not get that in writing.
Still trying for that..
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by RosalieM »

I checked with our business manager about this. He said that I am covered for trips done for school but how it works is if an accident happens, I claim it on my insurance but the school pays the excess and I don't lose my no claim bonus and if I am injured it is still covered by work cover because it was part of my duties for work.

Labbie - I'd be going to your business manager (or equivalent) and asking again.
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by Labbie »

THanks Rosalie, I double checked with the SAM & Prinicpal, quote " As the DEC is going to stop all shopping during school hours, you may as well get use to it, shop online". "Or ask the TAS lady if you can add it to her order".
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by RosalieM »

So the TAS lady is covered but you are not? How does that work??
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by Labbie »

She is covered until mid 2014, as it takes some time or so I am told to get the online shopping up and running. And she drives the school car.
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by DavidPeterson »

I drive the school ute - my wife has our car so I don't even have a vehicle at work to use anyway.
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by curie »

Has anyone heard any more about this?
Are we covewred if shopping on the way to and from school, under workers comp and/or car insurance?
Are we covered if we do it on the way to/ from work as long as it is during our rostered hours?
Do we have to come in to work first?
We used to have a buyer who did all our shopping for science/food tech/canteen but he was mysteriously let go.
Then it was shared between canteen/ Food tech, which didn't really work.
They now want me to do the science shopping, but I want to make sure I'm covered.
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by Labbie »

As far as our union tell us, WE ARE NOT COVERED. I do our shopping in my own time, on my way home, with a gift card, as we do not have petty cash any more. The PSA covered us if we are members for travel to and from work. That is since the goverment stopped it. As we should have 24 hours notice for all experiments, and no last minute orders. Shopping is a thing of the past.
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by lada »

I now shop during work time, using work's car. School seems to prefer it that way, but it takes a big chunk out my time in labs. Better be safe (insured) than sorry.
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by Labbie »

Thats so true Lada, yes that is one way around it all. Use the schools car. You know I'm not even sure we have a school car?
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by dime »

We don't have a school car anymore. So our head teacher will do a shop about once a term, which is not really useful for stuff for pracs. So I tell the teachers that if they want what I haven't got, they have to get it themselves. Home science won't get our stuff anymore as they pay a mileage rate out of their budget to their assistant. I have told her repeatedly that she is not covered but she still uses her own car to do it. :?
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by macca »

Hi everyone,

They are just trying to bring this in here, at the moment we don't have online ordering Woolies/Coles etc., so I'm trying to do through locally butcher having to get a order number first before phoning, hopefully in the end it will be quicker than running around. Teachers aren't happy I can't just go when they want, and some making it known that I shouldn't care if I'm not covered or excess on insurance won't be paid. School car is rarely available.

I will get things after school if I'm going to coles but will not go out of my way anymore, especially at the moment in this heat. plus (one on L Plates YAAAAAAAAA and one that attends special needs school) I just want to get home.

Is this appying to teachers as well as support staff at other schools, or are they free to come and go, as long as they notify the office?

Are other support staff allowed to duck out during break time?
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by Labbie »

IT is just SAO of SASS, teachers can go shopping when they like.
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Re: Insurance travelling while shopping for school

Post by macca »

I gather that means they're covered! if thats the case what can I say "that figures" :crazy: But surely we can go out during our breaks, for personal reasons "not work"
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