Mobile Phones

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Mobile Phones

Post by DavidPeterson »

Just wondering what you schools' policies/positions are on students & mobile phones and IPods?
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Re: Mobile Phones

Post by dime »

Well we have just got a new principal last week, and his policy is that no phones or ipods in class. Don't even bring 'em to school, but if you get caught they are to be handed in. (previously they wouldn't hand them in). If you disobey you can be suspended. Not sure how it is working as I haven't asked the teachers, but it is nice that he actually expects the students to behave. Same goes for bad language directed at teachers, won't tolerate it. Time will tell if his ideas make a difference, sure hope it does.
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Re: Mobile Phones

Post by linotas »

An ipod/ipad is part of the book list at one of my schools! They can only use an iPhone in place of an iPod if they sign a specific agreement with the principle. Mobile phones are allowed, but must be kept in their bags during school hours unless they have written permission, signed by the principle in case they are awaiting a specific phone call.

What the school thinks? Innovative use of IT. What I see? Kids listening to music in class and getting distracted. I just do not see the need at this particular school as every student has access to a lap top for use at school, yrs 9 and 10 have their own laptop, provided by the school itself.
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Re: Mobile Phones

Post by Ian »

Interesting question!

At the school where I work, I think that the rule seems to be that the kids should keep phone calls to a minimum while in class! I have often seen kids with ear phones in their ears in class, and commonly see kids standing in the middle of the playground talking on their phones during breaks. Nothing seems to ever be done.

In the school where my kids attend, it is a lot stricter. The only detention my eldest son ever got was when his phone, which was in the bottom of his bag, and on "Silent", started giving a periodic "Low Battery" beep! (outside the classroom, but the teacher heard it!) He was School Captain at the time, but still had to "do the time" for the crime!

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Re: Mobile Phones

Post by Wayne »

Here, the students are allowed to bring them to school but must not use them during school hours. If caught using them, they are confiscated until the end of the day. Caught 3 times they get a detention. It is normally lunch and recess time they bring them out and hope not to get caught, very rarely do they try to use them in class.
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Re: Mobile Phones

Post by sunray18 »

The policy is supposedly no phones/ ipods to be used in class... BUT I often see students with an ear plug in, and wonder how come the teachers can't see it!
Also, students who are sent out of the room, because they are misbehaving, are often to be seen on their phones talking with other students, who have similarly been sent out from other rooms.. I wonder if these students pre-arrange it so they will sent out and so they can continue their converstaions in class time.
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Re: Mobile Phones

Post by macca »

Wayne wrote:Here, the students are allowed to bring them to school but must not use them during school hours. If caught using them, they are confiscated until the end of the day. Caught 3 times they get a detention. It is normally lunch and recess time they bring them out and hope not to get caught, very rarely do they try to use them in class.
We are the same, except parents have to come and pick the phone up on the 3rd time. Funny though it only seems to apply to some students not all, and some teachers turn a blind eye.
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Re: Mobile Phones

Post by RosalieM »

Our school has a no phone policy and a no internet-capable device policy. Only Yrs 11 and 12 are allowed to bring ipods to school but they are only allowed to use them in the senior study room during their 'study periods'. If kids need to bring phones to school for an after school activity then they bring a note from their parents and leave it at the front office in the morning and collect in the afternoon. Students found with phones in school hours are suspended for a week I think (first offence) and the phone is confiscated and left in the office to be collected by parents. Also, no phones or ipods are allowed on excursions either.
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Re: Mobile Phones

Post by DavidPeterson »

I like the sound of 1 week suspension for the first offense with mobile phone - that would mean that in our school of 900, we'd only ever have 25 kids here
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