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What does Robb Look Like.....

Posted: 04 Dec 2007, 22:12
by Robb
Hi All,

Sorry to keep you in suspence, but after I had rebuilt my system I have been busy installing the previous programs and Uni programs on my system, but I shall have a Photo for you in no time.. Keep watching here in the near future...

Sorry Guy's



Re: What does Robb Look Like.....

Posted: 28 Dec 2007, 22:55
by Robb
Hi All,

I hope you all have been able to now put a face to the name, but for security reasons I have deleted the first photo, I appologise for this but, (just to protect my family as I am sure you all understand), it is a little more relaxing now.

But in Hein sight of all of that I hope that you all have been able to see me for whom is behind the "Robb" name and I hope to have some photos of others to at least repeat what I have done to also put a face to a name.

Thank you for your understanding on this matter,

