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Brain disection- help please

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 11:45
by Ocean Breeze
We have a brain disection coming up.

To use them as they are makes for a sloppy disection.

Is there anything that I can prepare/presoak them in beforehand, that will make them a bit "firmer"? I dont want to use formaldehyde( i got rid of all our Formalin).

Anything else that I can use? The thought did cross my mind to cook them, but thats a wierd thought! :?

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 11:49
by Slartibartfast
Not as weird as eating them. Yuk! We defrost them the day before and keep them in the fridge but 1 hour before using I bung them in our incubator at about 50deg. to dry them out slightly - takes away the mushiness and firms them up.

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 12:03
by Trudy
We use ethanol or methylated spirits. Works pretty well. Just soak for a couple of hours prior to use or overnight if needed first thing.

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 12:23
by lizzieb
Teacher here prefers them not quite defrosted completely

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 12:29
by Ocean Breeze
I may try each of these different methods with different brains, and see what works best...part frozen,heated, and ethanol

Thanks guys :-)

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 14:14
by Voice

Hi Barbara,
We have been dissecting brains for a few years and now use Saturated Salt solution as a fixative. This should be made up using tap water and stored at 4 degrees Celsius for 6 days. It is imperative that the brain's position in the fluid be altered and the fluid agitated on a daily basis as this will ensure good all-round fixation.
This fixative methods gives medium to good results especially when you consider the cost of the brains.
I did see one ABC program 'The Cook and The Chef' talk about brains and how to firm them up. Maggie Beers lightly fried them on top of the stove. I must admit I thought that might be easier than turning the brains every day.
Best of luck.
Maree :grin:

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 14:21
by Ocean Breeze
Richard. I love it!
I did a similar thing to the lady here in our office.
She HATES the thought of eyeballs . Revulsion!.

I love paying her off for that!

She is the one that issues the cash and processes the receipts.( She is really a nice person, and doesnt deserve me... except that she once showed fear!)
One time recently, I arrived with a juicy , see-through bag of eyeballs in one hand, and a wet receipt in the other hand. As I was rubbing the receipt dry against my lab coat, I was apologising for it having been put in the bag with the eyeballs. I then handed it over, and she bravely took it . ( Truth is, I had washed my hands, and was way too busy to stop to dry them before I picked up the receipt.) :D

Another time, on one day that she knew we were doing eye disection, it just so happened that for staff morning tea there were some mini white macaroons with a half-cherry pushed int the top. So someone who will not be named, left two on a plate on her desk.They really looked like eyes from a distance!
HEE HEE :cheesy:

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 07:55
by Slartibartfast
What a stirrer! Superb! I think eyeballs would be just the thing to disturb the "hardier" office staff. What is it about them that makes them such easy targets? Do other lab assistants devote time and effort to the cause like myself and Barbara? I'm always encroaching on their comfort zones but only because I know they will react, I'm of the opinion it would be wrong if I didn't. Even a sideways glance from Brian through laminated toughened glass sends them scurrying, he's not that ferocious. Might try that saturated salt solution for the brains also (could work on a few of our "difficult" students as well!)

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 08:52
by kimmy
We give ours out to the class still half frozen this way they are still a bit firm and less mess.

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 09:18
by ellice
Hi Stirrers,
I was once defrosting frozen eyeballs in the staffroom microwave, and they started exploding! We now have our own microwave in Science. I often ask if I can defrost frozen rats, just to get a reaction. If they know there's a dissection on, they stay away. It's fun making out you're a weirdo!
Have a good day, Ellice.

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 09:37
by Slartibartfast
Sounds like there are a few 'naturals' in amongst us! I think wearing an old lab coat liberally splashed down the front with red food dye/fake blood and something not readily identifyable in the top pocket on a trip to the front office would be a good one. What do you reckon? Give it a go?

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 10:09
by J
Hi to the jokers!

Speaking as someone who also spends a bit of time in the office, I would suggest to you that the office personnel are not all as squeamish as you make out. I also LOVE to eat lamb's brains. :D :wink2:


Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 10:25
by Slartibartfast
Now that IS revolting. I may be an eccentric weirdo who delights in the putting off of fellow work mates but even I draw the line at that! Thats about as pallet wetting as satay chicken feet or boiled frog faces. I'd rather eat either of those. I had a bad experience with lamb brains when after a night on the turps came home feeling a bit peckish, opened the fridge and thought, GREAT, crumbed chicken nuggets...... Arrrrrrggghhh! My dad had some in there left over. NEVER EVER AGAIN in this lifetime or the next!!! Dad used to also eat Ox tongue but the thought of tasting something that might be tasting you back is the only thing that could be worse than eating lambs brains.

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 10:38
by J
Ox tongue! Mmmmmmmmm! Yum!


Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 10:47
by smiley
Speaking of microwaving, have you ever microwaved grapes before. That is a Super-cak! You cut a grape almost in half across the middle, so that you end up with two halves joined by a little flap of grape skin acting like a hinge. Place the grape on a microproof dish and nuke on high 10-15 seconds. Watch carefully!

The hinge bit in the middle smokes and then sparks! It's insane. The art teacher, his assistant and I had an insane 10 minutes in the staff kitchen, until the deputy (see other posting) came sniffing around, literally, saying "what's burning?" I am ashamed to report that, once again, no-one was wearing hats!

Cheers, K 8-)

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 10:56
by Slartibartfast
That sounds like fun. Are you made to wear a hat also? Or does the Deputy lead by example and don a lid?

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 10:59
by Ocean Breeze
EEEEEEWWWWW. Julie... eating lambs brains!? You office people are wierd!The office must have affected your judgement
Everyone knows that you begin to take on the persona of what you eat.

for example....I eat tuna, and I like to swim !
I eat nuts and I like to sit under trees!
I like mexican food and would love to visit there!
I eat barley grass and love to sunbathe on the lawn!
Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

Keep eating those brains and before long you'll be running on all fours across the paddock, bleating, diving into sheep dip and pleading to be shorn. 8-[

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 11:19
by Ocean Breeze
Ellice.. that is hilarious! I laughed so much that the yr 12 chemistry students came in to see what was going on. LOVE IT!

I once stirred up the food tech teachers. Walked out of their kitchen with an eye-level tray of glad-wrapped rats, just as they are walking in. ( I timed that one, cause I could see them approaching). Acting all rushed and hurried, I said something like:
" By the way, thanks for letting me use the microwaves for the defrosting...bit rushed, I tried to clean up a bit...should shouldn't be too bad"

I have also done the same in the lunchroom, but instead of bringing the rats into the lunch area,(thats too gross even for me!) I just started to peel off a pair of wet latex gloves and dropping them into the bin one at a time...acting as if I was grossed out.
As I left the room, I loudly commented
"Glad those rats defrosted quickly... microwaves' now free!"

Richard... I love the spurts on the lab coat idea. Must practice first on a white sheet and a few pipettes. PS Where did your earlier post (on this thread) go?

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 11:26
by Ocean Breeze
Julie.. are you stirring us up? Brains, tongue!? :yuck:

Re: Brain disection- help please

Posted: 18 Sep 2007, 12:02
by Ocean Breeze
Check out this brain operation , todays news