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Disposable gloves

Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 11:04
by franco
Can I have some feedback please of how many schools supply their students with disposable gloves as a matter of course, or for most pracs. I usually supply only for dissections (squeamish lot today), potting seedlings, anything that's really messy, or if the teacher absolutely insists on having them.
I ask because a post on the WA labbies' site, "Filter", suggests that students at that school are provided gloves for most pracs and the tech very kindly shared a cheap source for bulk purchase of nitrile gloves.

This site is a wealth of information and I have picked up some very useful tips. I really enjoy reading what everyone across Aus is doing and applaud the willingness of lab staff to share information and offer assistance.

Many thanks to those who founded the site and keep it going!


Tuart College WA

Re: Disposable gloves

Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 11:08
by Labbie
We do supply gloves for Dissections etc, we get them from Go Low, or any cheap shop we can find. They are the see through ones.

Re: Disposable gloves

Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 11:15
by Slartibartfast
We do the same as Sue here but senior Chem classes get quality latex gloves for feel. Glad you like the site, we like it too!

Re: Disposable gloves

Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 11:31
by Willk
We supply disposable gloves for dissections. Sometimes the senior Chem classes need them as well. I have found a cheap supplier in SafetyQuip ( who deliver in a reasonable time frame. We also purchase our safety glasses from them.
What a great day here,

Re: Disposable gloves

Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 12:36
by dolphinscales
Fran the original filter message did not suggest at all that gloves should be worn for all fact it suggested nothing but gave the information about the gloves gained form this site.
the spin on the gloves worn for all pracs was some ones comment on the idea that some places still go with this idea.

Re: Disposable gloves

Posted: 10 Sep 2007, 18:32
by Alice
Hi Fran

We only use disposable gloves for dissections and if using potting mix. Teachers here have never asked for disposable gloves for chemistry.



Re: Disposable gloves

Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 10:52
by Jazz
Hi all
Last time I ordered gloves through ELITE business supplies. They charge $4.95 box per carton. Delivery was within 24 hours and postage in Sydney is $8 and country NSW $15.

Re: Disposable gloves

Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 11:28
by RosalieM
We get them from Q Stores for about $4 for 100. The kids use them for dissections and sometimes for senior chemistry.

Re: Disposable gloves

Posted: 11 Sep 2007, 12:28
by Timtam
Hi All.
We here at st Paul's use gloves, goggles and yr 11, 12 & UFS, lab coats for every prac. For the Y11, 12 & UFS we have good gloves with their names on them and hung on a rack with bulldog clips, the rack, is down the side of the lab coat rack, I screwed hooks in for this purpose.
Our HOD and one other female teacher, wears a lab coat, gloves and goggles every prac as well. If the students dont wear the same then they are spoken to.
This is the best site. Keep it up everybody. Cheers