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Glassware detergent - need a recommendation

Posted: 19 Jul 2006, 12:46
by PhysicsOne
Hi forum members,

I use a detergent called Sonex to wash my laboratory glassware. What do you use? I am looking for something that is easily available and works well, price is no problem.

The Sonex story:
It was easy to get in NSW through a company called Q-stores(now called something else). They have stopped selling it. I called the distributor and they are now only selling through medical suppliers. They sell it for $29.16 (ex) for 5L.
It made me think that there may be some similar product more easily obtainable. I was hoping to be able order some general cleaning product that is distributed by a large "office supplies" company.
Location of lab is a high school at Bankstown in Sydney.


glasswear detergent

Posted: 20 Jul 2006, 12:12
by Joy
Do you use a diswasher? I find the regular diswashing powders do a great job on all my glassware, much better than I can do by handwashing.

Posted: 20 Jul 2006, 12:30
by Steph
Hi Physicsone,

I also use Sonex and have not found anything similar on the market. The trouble with ordinary dishwashing powders is that they can leave a residue which isn't much good for senior Chem classes. I last bought Sonex in May 2005 from Clifford Hallam Pharmaceuticals Pty. Ltd. They are in Roselands, NSW, phone 1300 133 627. At that time it cost $22.48/5litres and they wanted immediate payment as we didn't have an account with them. Hope this helps. Steph

Posted: 20 Jul 2006, 14:48
by juliem
Hi Physics One
I use Pyroneg ( not for all washing up) available through QStores, it's pink, very alkaline ( KOH) powder non sudsing use about 2 tblesp to a sink or tote tray - but must be thoroughly rinsed.
It has been around for years from my days in pharmaceutical labs cleans really well and for more stubborn stains just increase the conc
Regards Julie

glassware cleaner

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 14:26
by m

I too use Sonex that I was able to obtain from a local medical supplies company in the Wollongong area. I rang the People that make Sonex and asked for the local supplier. When I rang the medical supplier and told them that I was in education they were only too happy to grant the school an account and delivered promptly. I havent found anything better yet.

Posted: 25 Jul 2006, 14:29
by rp
serrata sells it


Posted: 26 Jul 2006, 11:47
by Mother
I use Detcon 95 from Serrata.Have found this to be better than anything else.Can be used as a neutral cleaner for rinsing,leave crystal clear glass wear. However for oily residue I use Palmolive liquid from the supermarket,then rinse in a mild solution of Detcon 95.
Mother ;-)

Glassware Detergent

Posted: 27 Jul 2006, 09:16
by jilly
I too use Detcon 95 also available from Q Stores. It is initially dear to buy but lasts forever. Leaves glassware really clean.

Posted: 01 Aug 2006, 14:28
by lada
Hello, Detcon 95 from Serrata. Expensive to buy, but lasts for a long time. This is for hand washing, not sure about dishwasher.
Detcon 95 comes in concentrate and with dilutions it will last a year.