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Lunar Eclipse

Posted: 27 Aug 2007, 09:29
by Robb
Hi All,

The Full Moon is Tuesday August 28, and on this night we will see the best Australian total Lunar eclipse since 2000, and the best for some years to come.

The eclipse will begin roughly an hour after sunset in eastern and central states, in Western Australia the Moon rises with the eclipse in progress.

Maximum eclipse, when the Moon will be a deep copper colour, will be 8:37 pm in eastern States, 8:07 pm in central states and 6:37 pm in WA.

Speaking of the full Moon, Mars will NOT be as big as the full Moon on August 27, this is a hoax that has been circulating for years.

Mars does look beautiful though. It is in the constellation of Taurus the Bull as the bright red object below the red star Alderbaran.

I hope this offers some great viewing,



Re: Lunar Eclipse

Posted: 27 Aug 2007, 10:33
by dolphinscales
Thanks for this info Robb- was wondering onthe timing of it :) Now i know

Re: Lunar Eclipse

Posted: 27 Aug 2007, 16:35
by Jen1
Thanks Robb, I recieved an email today advising me to stay up till 12:30 to see the "double moon". I would have been safely tucked up in my bed sleeping soundly anyway, but nice to know I'm not missing anything!

Re: Lunar Eclipse

Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 08:16
by Xenon
Best Lunar eclipse ever! I can understand the hoax now; with just a sliver or crescent of sunlight, Luna looks like Mars with a polar cap!

Re: Lunar Eclipse

Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 08:52
by rell
Thanks to you rob i spent a good deal of last night gazing at the night sky. It is a wonderous place and my interest in it has increased because of you. =D> :D
Narelle Divola
Irymple Secondary College
Irymple Vic

Re: Lunar Eclipse

Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 10:38
by dolphinscales
I am dissapointed due to weather conditions a sky full of thick cloud i saw none of it - glad some peoples got to enjoy it - anyone take photos??? worth sharing :)

Re: Lunar Eclipse

Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 14:04
by labman
Thankfully, the cloud cleared here in S.A. in time, and the eclipse was a beautiful sight. However,it didn't seem as red as the last one I watched, or the interstate pics on the news bulletins.
Robb, is there a reason for this? Does it have to do with the distance of the moon from earth. I remember the last one looked bigger(closer to earth). Last night's was beautiful, but more a deep purple, and at full eclipse, was very dark. Fascinating stuff though.

Re: Lunar Eclipse

Posted: 29 Aug 2007, 15:06
by Robb
Hi All,

I will try to add some photos I have for you, some I have taken from my telescope. Unfortunately the light reflecting from the moon was a bit poor.

But none-of-the-less great images though.

Glad there were some excellent views,



Re: Lunar Eclipse

Posted: 30 Aug 2007, 08:07
by Marjan
Thanks Robb, here in sydney we had a great view. It was amazing.