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Liquid Nitrogen.

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 12:56
by judygee
Dear All - I need to purchase some liquid nitrogen for a Physics prac. In the past I have managed to get a small amount in a thermos flask from the local Vet, just wondering, is this what others do? I find the stuff evaporates very quickly (maybe the lid was not on properly, and transporting in my car was a bit scary, also probably highly illegal!!! and I am really uncomfortable with the whole deal!!) any useful advice would be appreciated! Judy.

Re: Liquid Nitrogen.

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 13:04
by Marjan
Never carry Liquid Nitrogen on the car!!!! 8O you've been lucky something bad haven't happend to you so far. I'm in north sydney and get L.N. from freezit in a flask that they provide it. you should not keep the lid thight as Liquid nitrogen's b.p is very low and should be allowed the vapore comes out. Let me know if you want their phone number.

Re: Liquid Nitrogen.

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 15:20
by judygee
Thanks Marjan, just as I figured!!!! However when one is 250 miles from Sydney it is not always easy to access suppliers. However I will have the phone number of the "Freeze it" mob, just in case they have a local supplier (highly unlikely, but you never know!!) Thanks in advance. Judy

Re: Liquid Nitrogen.

Posted: 20 Aug 2007, 15:31
by rae
Hi Judy,
I have a very nice man who does artificial insemination that delivers the liquid nitrogen.
I have a flask here and I phone him when I need it and he comes to the school.Maybe some kind person will do the same for you if you phone around the local area. Being a rural community I'm sure there will be someone. Good Luck!!


Re: Liquid Nitrogen.

Posted: 23 Aug 2007, 12:38
by judygee
Hi Lorrae - Thank you for that excellent suggestion, I'll see if I can find someone to help. Being in the central west of N.S.W it is not always easy to access suppliers, as you can appreciate. Once again, thanks. Cheers, Judy.