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stiff gass taps

Posted: 01 Aug 2007, 10:04
by rosalie
:unsure: Many of the metal gas taps in the lab are stiff and wont turn. How can I safely unstick them?
First time query from Rosalie.

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 01 Aug 2007, 10:11
by Slartibartfast
WD40 and a rubber mallet. Squirt the WD using the thin tube supplied around the neck of the tap where it goes into the body. Use the mallet to LIGHTLY tap it in the direction of opening after 1st turning off the gas at the mains or room isolation tap. Work backward & forwards to ease up. Use vaseline in a syringe or silicon spray periodically throughout the year to keep free.

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 01 Aug 2007, 10:46
by Ocean Breeze
I usually work some silicone grease in around the joint. Evebtually it will loosen up, assisted by some gentle persuasion from a rubber mallet. I am a bit wary of using regular oil/vaseline etc, around flammables and naked flame. :thumbup:

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 01 Aug 2007, 11:12
by Lyn

You need to speak to the maintenance person at your school and have him organise to get in a qualified plumber/gasfitter to do maintenance on all of your gas taps in all your labs. This is an important safety issue and you should not personally be doing anything to the gas taps. This maintenance should be carried out at least once a year. If an accident happens because of anything you do, the school and yourself will be considered responsible for damage or harm to students. I cannot emphasise enough that you should not do anything yourself to try and maintain the working state of the gas taps, apart from notifying the relevant persons when anything is not right.


Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 01 Aug 2007, 12:12
by Slartibartfast
Blimey, If I called the general assistant every time something as simple like this happened, a) he'd think I was thick b) he'd quicky get sick of me c) he'd leave me the tools to do it myself. There is nothing in the world simpler than a gas tap. Flammable lubricants (ever tried to light vasoline?) - unless your gas tubing is 2 inches long is perfectly safe - wipe away the extra - then use! If the circlip is missing, get the GA. It's only hard to open not actually broken or damaged in any way. If it helps - watch what the GA does and I bet there is WD40 or penetrating oil in the process somewhere - then a hitting type implement then a type of high melt type grease in the equation there after. I'm aware of the correct notification and repair of equipment - I've chaired OH & S committees for 7 years and yes, there is expectation apon us for the repair of equipment.

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 01 Aug 2007, 12:51
by Lyn
Hi Richard, Half expected a blast from Slartibartfast. Seriously though after twenty five years as a lab tech am still learning the ropes. Yes I do minor running repairs on many things and time is not enough to do all that is required of me. Therefore I let the qualified experts do things like maintenance and repair of gas systems, plumbing systems and electrical systems.

P.S. Get a lot of laughs from some of your replies to a variety of topics.

luv ya,

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 01 Aug 2007, 13:09
by Sam
If i had to wait for the maintance officer to do it. All of them will be stuck by the time he gets around to it. I was going to get the gas guy in to do it. But the gentle persuasion from a rubber mallet and WD40 sounds like the logical course of action. However i think that i will get the gas guy in to get the hot glue gun glue out from the taps. :-? Little Darlings :-|

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 01 Aug 2007, 13:17
by Slartibartfast
OOoh yeh! Let him do that bit. At my old school they liked to put unfolded paperclips in the (live) desk mounted power outlets! They all had MAD hair I can tell you! But really, it would be like getting a plumber out if your garden hose tap was a bit reluctant to turn. WD40 is the blokes answer to EVERYTHING! I want them to release an aftershave with the same scent - it would sell like hot cakes!!

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 01 Aug 2007, 14:56
by J
Can't say as it would do you any good with the ladies, Richard, but yeah, WD40 is a very important part of my repair kit. I use it all the time, but CAN'T STAND the smell!!
:yuck: :yuck:


Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 01 Aug 2007, 15:33
by Sam
I dont know a little grease under the nails, the smell of WD40 and a really good plumbers crack if that doesnt get every girl hot under the collor i dont know what will. \:D/

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 07:36
by Slartibartfast
See! Shows how out of touch us blokes are! I thought women would find the smell of WD40 well sexy. But plumbers crack? REALLY?!!!!! Doesn't it just remind you to post your tax return or something? If there is such a thing as a "good plumbers crack" I'd really hate to witness a "bad" one. I've got a mate that's a concreter and the last thing he wants is a crack appearing and he's the first to admit he has a face like the back of a kelpie - he should know, he's got one on his work truck.

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 08:27
by Ocean Breeze
Interesting Richard... and here was me for all those years taking great care not to set us all on fire! LOL WD40 is certainly a lot quicker & easier to get into them cracks and crevices.(except maybe the plumbers... but we wont go there ... just had breakfast!) 8O
Ta for the tip. :)

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 08:36
by Slartibartfast
Sorry, I'll say it again - you would have to use most of the tin of penetrating spray + not wipe away any excess off the tables + not use a relativley inflammable grease afterwards + light the bunsen beside the tap immediately for there to be a even a minute risk of fire. Better just let the GA do it eh?

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 09:22
by lizzieb
Thanks, all, for a hilarious start to the day!
Got a BIG smile on my face now.... :lol:


Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 09:22
by cactus155
We regularly (1 time a year) get somebody in who tests all the bunsen outlets in the classrooms and the maintence of the actual burners rests with me. Depending on how tight the taps are I use either WD40, light machine oil or even graphite in some cases


Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 10:26
by rosalie
:D I didn't realize what I'd started, and have enjoyed all the backchats. Also have gleaned some useful tips. Is it "safe" to use WD40 or even to have it? Thanks to everyone.

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 10:29
by Slartibartfast
Yes it is a flammable liquid spray but then again so is Glen 20 and Mortein fly spray. If you walk upright without dragging your knuckles on the ground it is very safe to use within a school. If they banned it every general assistant would walk off the job in seconds.

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 15:18
by nickyw
Thanks guys this has been a hilarious read. Keep up the good work Slartibartfast you crack me up. WD40 will never take over from the good old blue stratus in the aftershave stakes, Sorry. Men; they are so out of touch.

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 03 Aug 2007, 07:33
by Slartibartfast
I've got a litre bottle of "Horn" aftershave that my girlfriend desperatley wants rid of - she says it makes people think we keep ferrets in the house - owes me $2.50 but I'll give it away if your keen! Great for de-greasing your car engine also and removing rust stains off laboratory glassware. Out of touch, my foot!

Re: stiff gass taps

Posted: 03 Aug 2007, 11:55
by rae
I thought BRUT or OLD SPICE was the go!! I think I'm showing my age!! \:D/ :lol: