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Wash Bottles what sort??

Posted: 01 Aug 2007, 09:45
by Labbie
Morning Folks, Lovely morning in Syndey. We need to update our wash bottles. At the moment we have the Curved straw that comes out of the side of the bottle. Looking through the books, see their are so many different types. I would love to hear your views. Have people had any problems??

Thank you

Re: Wash Bottles what sort??

Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 09:05
by Robbie
Hi there Sue,

Great day here also, especially for a Monday!!

We use the ones with the delivery tube coming through the top of the cap. The delivery tube is removable and flexible meaning it can be aimed more easily than those that have fixed delivery tubes. Also, they are substantial and we have had no problems. We have not used the ones you refer to so cannot compare. I think we bought ours from Serrata.



Re: Wash Bottles what sort??

Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 09:51
by Robb
Hi All,

My experiences with Wash bottles have been quite a learning curve. I have been exposed to a wide range of Wash bottles throughout Uni and my time in Industry.

I have always leaned towards the bottles that have the delivery tube coming from the top section of the lid.

A good quality HDPE is also something I have endeavoured to get my hands on. I have my type here I use separate to the students as the price range for these have somewhat of a Budget busting price tag.

It comes down to personal use really, and what you are comfortable with..


Re: Wash Bottles what sort??

Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 11:37
by dolphinscales
Like Robb I have tended towards the bottles with the delivery tube from the lid - tend to get fewer issues with not being able to get water up and out without having to squeeze the beejeevers out of them. I also found the small the lid the better for the younger students.
it is personal preference but I also have a few different types in each tray with that idea in place - just cause I like some thing and find it easy to use students and teachers who do not always use the equipment will also find the same.

Re: Wash Bottles what sort??

Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 12:03
by RosalieM
The only problem I have with wash bottles is putting the lid on after filling them! I frequently squirt myself or whatever happens to be nearby as i screw the lid back on in a hurry... I guess it doesn't matter if you have side or top squirters - they still squirt!