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Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 12:03
by cactus155
Just want to know in your schools

Who is responsible for:

Fixing lockers
Issusing lockers
Cutting of keys if you don't have combination locks

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Re: Lockers

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 12:09
by Nikki
One of the teachers has the responsibilty for this, but we are a small school with only around 70 high school students, so it is not really a big job


Re: Lockers

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 12:13
by Slartibartfast
Of the 3 high schools I've worked at it's always the schools General Assistant who issues, repairs and looks after school lockers for both students and staff.

Re: Lockers

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 12:40
by Labbie
Yes i agree it is the General Assisant.

good luck

Re: Lockers

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 13:11
by Robbie
One of our teachers has this job - he is the one who walks around with bolt cutters. We have 800 students in the school.



Re: Lockers

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 13:21
by cactus155
What is a General Assistant?

Re: Lockers

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 13:36
by Slartibartfast
The bloke (usually) that mows the lawn, repairs most things, organises contractors and conducts the sweep on Melbourne Cup day. The alrounder I 'spose! Usually wears King Gee shirts and duds. Hope this helps.

Re: Lockers

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 13:55
by Slartibartfast
Has your school asked you to look after this for them Andrew? If they have and you don't want to, claim you don't have a BA in Keyological studies or you have a rare key Phobia and they'll soon leave you alone.

Re: Lockers

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 14:43
by Marjan
Our maintenace department does all these kind of jobs!!!! I don't how they could ask you to do that?? that's not your responsibility.

Re: Lockers

Posted: 25 Jul 2007, 15:28
by Loopy
You just gotta love them for the fact they acknowledge we have many multi-talents!!!
Lou P.

Re: Lockers

Posted: 26 Jul 2007, 14:03
by smiley
Our school has 550 kids. Our "Mr Filch" (read grumpy janitor for those who aren't Harry Potter fans) takes care of cutting open lockers etc, but the locks are issued through the front office. We have a school set of combination locks now, so when the kids get a lock we record the combination for each lock. Took a bit to set up, but it works quite well now. Now, instead of holding baskets of spare keys, we just have a database of combination numbers. However, you can bet that I wouldn't be putting my hand up to organise school lockers.

Cheers. K 8-)

Re: Lockers

Posted: 27 Jul 2007, 11:44
by kimmy
Our Locker Numbers are issued through the front office - a fee is paid so therefore it has to go through Admin. Students supply there own keys if they wish to lock the lockers - But it is only year 12 who have lockers and they are in there Study room so not many of them choose to lock them. Our GA (a great asset to the school :thumbup: ) is responsible for fixing and breaking into any that are needed to be fixed. It is not our job.
Have a great day :coffee:

Re: Lockers

Posted: 30 Aug 2007, 15:09
by debh
I do them in our school of 450. One of the many extra jobs I have inherited since I started in the lab. I do everything to do with the combination locks EXCEPT cut off the jammed ones.