Who cleans the class rooms

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Which of us clean the class rooms

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Who cleans the class rooms

Post by Labbie »

Sorry I meant to so a poll option with the very first question of "Do you Clean Classrooms.

I have In Use cards & Finish cards, The main question is do you clean the classroom after the teacher? Do you packaway equipment & Glassware left in the classroom. Or do you leave it to the teacher??

Thank You every one.

My Head Teacher has now told me, the cleaners clean the room, I only clean the equipment and glassware.

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cleaning classrooms

Post by Lyn »

We have had a system in place where pracs are set up on trays and left on bench inside prep room door for the teacher to collect. When the lesson is finished the equipment is put back on the trays and placed back inside on the prep room bench. Teachers names can be put on trays. Students are required to leave the lab benches clean. The system can ocassionally go astray. I have two campuses to look after (a middle school and a senior school) divided by the botanical gardens. Three separate prep rooms, Biology, Phys/Chem and middle school so I can't be in three places at the same time. Teachers therefore have to show a little respect for their colleagues who access the laboratories after them. This means leaving the laboratories free of dirty glassware etc..(It works most of the time.) This also means that at times I have mountains of glassware to clean.

General cleaning of classrooms is done by cleaners. This includes floors, benches and removal of dust, cobwebs etc. If there are any experiments or projects in progress which have been left set up on the benches, the cleaners have been told not to touch or clean that bench area until they have been dismantled. I do a quick whip-around for stray items that the students have omitted to put back on the trays. If teachers haven't done a graffiti check for a while, and if I have some spare time. I do the rounds of the benches and remove the graffiti. Otherwise the teachers have students remove the graffiti.
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How many of us Clean the classrooms

Post by Labbie »

Yes I know we have had this question before. But I could not get the poll thingo to work, so I do hope it works this time around.

How many of us clean the classrooms?? For items that come into the prep room, the teachers put " In Use" or "Finish" on to the trolleys or trays. But how many of us clean after the teacher in their room? I wait until the teacher puts it in a tray then into the prep room. Some times I reminder them about that equipment, most of the time they wish to use it with another year or class.

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Post by noona »

Hi Sue
I don't and I don't think it is our job to clean the labs
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Post by Slartibartfast »

Depends on the ability and drive of the cleaners. Ours are hopeless on anything but floors. I'd rather do it methodically myself if I've got time - I'll know it's done properley that way. The teachers should use the labels to let me know the status of the equipment on the trollies, if not, I assume they've finished. If a teacher is in a mad rush to get to another class after a large prac, I will clean and clear the lab but luckily it's not that often. Sinks I clean once a week (during assembly) bench tops each morning before class begins or when needed during the day. I start at 7.15 - school starts at 8.05 so it's a good time to knock it over without interuptions. Worst things that end up in our sinks - paper towel, matches and Potassium Permanganate - rust rust rust!
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Post by KimFenley »


I do it on rare occasions, but I leave it where it is unless it is an expensive item. I make a big thing about it if it not returned to the preproom and the state of the classrooms is highlighted with the said Teacher. It up to the teacher to make sure the Science Prac rooms are tidy. I will collect the trays or trolley from the classroom. If the teachers do not place the "in use" or "finished" signs in trays, I thenpack them away after a week, and leave it up to the Teachers to retrieve the items again. They learn quickly, as other Teacher generally require the items too. Failing that I have it brought up at the Science Faculty meetings.

They all know they are lucky to have the service as many have worked in schools where they have to do all this work themselves. Them just have to be reminded occasionaly.

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How many of us clean the classrooms

Post by m »

Very rarely do I need to clean a classroom or retrieve equipment. If I do it is with the help of the teacher, but usually the teacher gets the kids to clean up after themselves (sometimes the kids are not very good at it though). I retrieve equipment if I need it for someone else otherwise I assume the class has not yet finished with it.

I must have very good teachers to work with as I never seem to have problems with them. We all get along very well so potential issues are sorted before it becomes a problem.

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Post by cactus155 »

Never touch them in case the cleaners get annoyed, don't want them going out on strike cause we are doing there job for them.
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Who cleans the class rooms

Post by Labbie »

Which of us clean the class rooms



Regards Labbie

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Post by cactus155 »


Some of our teachers do the prac right up until the end of the lesson and then just walk out without returning the gear, so I have to go in and pick up after them, they used to do this only once and then I would see the head of the department, now I usually see the teacher and it doesn't seem to happen as much
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Post by Voice »

I generally think it should be a combination of all three, depending on the circumstances.
Students should ALWAYS clean up after themselves.
WHY? If they started with clean equipment and surroundings, it is their responsibility to finish with clean equipment and surroundings, according to their capacity. That is the first parameter. However, sometimes this requires help from us and we should give it. I always do the glassware, but they may have rinsed it.
Teachers, if given a list of equipment used, should ALWAYS clecked that ALL is returned to the trolley BEFORE any student or teacher leaves the room.
Again, common sense should prevail. When students are using LEGO Techniques, I check all equipment before students leave the lab.
Wiping down lab benches should be the students', teachers' lab. techs.' and cleaners' responsibility. Each, maybe checking that it has been done sufficiently well.

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Post by Lis »

I agree with you Maree, it should be a joint effort,I too do the washing up, tidying and I wipe the benches down, I have placed in each lab a bin for broken glass (which I empty when it has glass in it), and on each bay I have a plastic container (they are large disposable cups), I found that cans leave a rust ring, this is for bits of rubbish like matches, small pieces of paper, etc. and I also have a tub at the front of the lab for dirty glassware, I have found this works for us, in reducing matches in the sinks,and broken/ dirty glassware in the cupboards.
It feels though sometimes it is never ending :oops:
cheers Lisa :D

ps this seems to be a hot topic
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Post by Didee »

I'm a shared responibility believer too. Students as well as possible, teachers job checking how well students clean and storting out, plus counting back in resources. Then we finish off with complete clean and restock of classroom resources.
Our cleaners are only responsible for the floors, student desks and teachers desks (but only if clear, they are not to move anything).
This works well, most of the time.
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Post by Labbie »

My Head teacher, has come up with a good idea, so thought I would share it with you. The Class rooms cupboards a all locked, Tripods, Bunsen burners, & Retort stands, are all keep in the back cupboards, which the teacher can see at all times. The glassware is now keep in the prep rooms, and the teachers (of course) can help them selves to items in the prep room, at any time. But we went around and cleaned out the cupboards under the sinks in the classrooms, boy oh boy the food, apples, oranges, etc that were left in the cupboards. So by locking these cupboards, perhaps it will help keep the rubbish out. He has also done a notice, for all teachers, to keep their class room clean & tidy. It was a new teacher, and new cleaner that we have, who perhaps did not understand things. It was only one classroom, that was bad. Bags are now put in a cupboard when the first come in the classroom.

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Post by Mojo »

I clean the fumehoods out inside the classrooms as they get very dirty :lol:
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Post by Loopy »

Hi y'all,
Our cleaners are supposed to maintain the floors, sinks, desks and windows and I maintain the equipment. Because ours is a new school my boss likes to have the labs maintained at a high standard all the time so I often clean desks, benches, sinks and windows AND maintain the equipment. I don't mind, except when everyone wants pracs, so often I go home with very tired feet!
I found it interesting that Pommy says the students are allowed to bring their bags into the labs at her school albeit to place in a cupboard. We insist that school bags are left outside school rooms for two reasons. One being the deterrent of bringing food and inappropriate stuff into the class and secondly for OH & S purposes, ie in case of an emergency the students can exit the room without tripping over bags.
How do others manage this?
Cheers and beers,
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Who cleans the classrooms

Post by Robbie »

Hi Louise,

Our policy is that bags are left outside the labs and valuables like wallets, phones and ipods are brought in. However, last week three bags "disappeared". One was later found, minus the wallet, phone and ipod.

So now bags are allowed inside the labs but only in a specified area.
In some labs we emptied cupboards and removed the doors and all bags are now kept in these cupboards. (We have plenty of cupboard space in the Science Dept. unlike many schools!)

We now have signs in every corridor "Stop! Be responsible! Always keep your valuables with you." Making the signs, with appropriate clipart, of course, was the job of the labbie!

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Post by fibreweb »

Our cleaning is also a shared responsibility. We have 7 labs which makes keeping them clean and tidy a very big job.

The cleaners are very good, each day they do the floors,benchtops and clean out the sinks. The clean around any equipment that is left set up.

I have 30 glass beakers, 30 test tubes, 20 plastic beakers and class sets of other frequently used equipment in cupboards in each lab. It is the teachers responsibitily to try and get the kids to wash their beakers, test tubes etc after a prac and put them back where they live.

Each thursday afternoon (the only time I have any help) Robyn and I go round to each lab, checking the gear and washing any really dirty stuff. Some I tend to leave to try and get the teachers to chase the kids up. I feel that packing up properly after themselves is also part of their education. Some teachers are better than others. Luckily the worst one is just next door so chasing him up about getting the kids (and him!!) to clean up after themselves isn't too time consuming.

Bags are also left outside the room to try and minimise "loss" and also there isnt space inside the class rooms for them.

Equipment in trays that is required for future pracs is moved into the adjoining prep rooms after the lesson and taken back to the room when it is needed again.


P.S An interesting observation of the state of some of our schools. My prep room is on the ground floor of a 2 story building. Today it is raining (WHOO HOO) but MY CEILING IS LEAKING!!!!! Water is coming down through the class room above and into my room!
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Post by RosalieM »

Mostly the classes clean up after themselves. I have a tray for things that they can't get clean in their sinks that I then wash up in the prep room. Sometimes glassware gets left out and I'll put it away but if I am really busy usually someone from another class ends up putting it away anyway! The cleaners do the benches, tables, floors (anything not equipment). It isn't their job to clean up after the kids. As for bags, our kids aren't allowed to take bags to any classes. They have a place to put them at the beginning of the day and then they take their books for their classes before morning tea with them... and then same for between morning tea and lunch and then for the rest of school. Mobile phones etc are not allowed on school grounds unless there is a special reason (in which case they are handed in at the school office at the start of the day and collected at the end). Kids are encouraged not to bring valuables to school so theft isn't much of an issue here.
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Post by Labbie »

We can not leave the students bags outside, due to thief from other students. As they come into the classroom, they must put their bags into a cupboard, of course taking out their equipment for Science, pens books etc.
We also do not allow Mobile phones, but some do get through of course.

Regards Labbie

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