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Peanut power

Posted: 26 Jun 2006, 12:02
by Loopy
Just thought to share this idea. As a school that has a number of anaphylatics, we have come up with an alternative to using peanuts in "peanut power". Tiny Teddys work as affectively and smell nicer too!

Peanut Power

Posted: 04 Jul 2006, 08:45
by Gatekeeper
I'm amazed that science books are still publishing this experiemt. We use nutrigrain, pre-soaked in olive oil. Works well. :twisted:

Posted: 06 Jul 2006, 10:46
by Julia
Lots of foods can be used for this experiment, we've used plain chips, twisties and even cashew nuts. [/sub]

Posted: 13 Jul 2006, 12:00
by Lei
We've used jelly beans successfully.

I think I'd feel bad incinerating the poor little tiny teddies

Posted: 24 Jul 2006, 21:31
by Miranda
We used Burger Rings last time! They burn really well :lol:

Peanut power

Posted: 26 Jul 2006, 10:38
by General
Cheezels can also be used to replace peanuts.

Re: Peanut power

Posted: 27 Jul 2006, 17:54
by ally
[Macadamia nuts work really well, also

quote="General"]Cheezels can also be used to replace peanuts.[/quote]

Posted: 28 Jul 2006, 08:57
by Loopy
Thanks everyone!
It's been really interesting to see how others do the experiment. At the moment my boss is preparing for a primary school demonstration and we have had fun testing out all these alternatives.
I just love this site!
Lou P.

Peanut Power

Posted: 28 Jul 2006, 09:48
by rae
Please excuse my lack of knowledge, but what is Peanut Power?
It is obviously something a lot of schools do because there has been so many replies. I'm fairly new at this game so have no idea what it is about.

Posted: 28 Jul 2006, 12:01
by Loopy
Hi Rae,
This is an experiment at year 8 level to demonstrate chemical potential energy stored in a peanut. Essentially, you take a peanut, mount it on a pin in a cork and light it. Place the burning nut under a test tube of water held by clamps on a retort stand. The temperature of the water needs to be measured before and after. By calculations you can determine the amount of energy is in a gram of peanuts.
Lou P.

Peanut power

Posted: 06 Feb 2007, 13:42
by carol58a
Hi. We have canned this prac completely. Tiny Teddys can contain traces of nuts. Cashews and macadamias are nuts, so we wouldn't use them either. Most food packaging will state "MAY CONTAIN TRACES OF NUTS", therefore we have erred on the safe side, and simply don't risk it. Any minute amount of vapour can seriously affect people with this allergy.

Even Rice Bubble packs state "may contain traces of peanuts or other nuts", so I wouldn't go near Nutrigrain either. I can only suggest read your packaging first.
