Identifying rock samples

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Identifying rock samples

Post by anniek »

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has a contact to someone who can come out to schools to identify rock/mineral samples? I'm in the process of reorganising our rock stores, but its a little hard to organise when I don't know what they are (& teachers aren't confident to ID either)!

I'm around the Northern Beaches in Sydney :) Any help appreciated!
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Re: Identifying rock samples

Post by bigmack »

I feel hour pain anniek . I recon almost every school has a collection of rocks that are unidentified.
Nobody will chuck them out , but at the same time they are useless without names .

We had very good rock kits at my old school in NSW , but despite the labels , I could never match any of them to the collection of unlabelled ones we had .

I wish you luck . Maybe contact a local gem and mineral club. They might have a member that is keen to sort your samples.
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Re: Identifying rock samples

Post by Marama T »

Contact your nearest uni and ask if they have a geology unit. I was a gun for rock ID for a few years after uni, but if you don't use it, you lose it. Ask for a keen student to come out.
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Re: Identifying rock samples

Post by LabTechBrooke »

When I started here, I found asbestos and asbestos containing samples. It made me very nervous about our "random rock" boxes, so I did throw many away (the ones I knew were asbestos were collected, the ones I had no idea about went in the bin). Many of the samples we did have were not great examples, and some had been mixed. While we have a teacher qualified in Geology, no one had time to sort it all out.

I started fresh and bought these and made sets. They take up less space, are easier to transport and the teachers are happy. Mind you, the obsidian keeps getting stollen!
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Re: Identifying rock samples

Post by mtg »

We just did a geology PD with our lab tech group in Gippsland, I will see if I can find the links we were given. It was from James was great and there are ID pages and lesson plans he was happy to send us.
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Re: Identifying rock samples

Post by Labbie »

Just googled this, there are some great rock charts to down load.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Identifying rock samples

Post by RosalieL »

There is an ipad app you can use but I don't know what it's called. It's not 100% accurate but might get you started.
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Re: Identifying rock samples

Post by Kathryn »

I asked our local mineral club. They were quite happy to come out and help me with identification.
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Re: Identifying rock samples

Post by anniek »

Thanks all for your suggestions! I have contacted some universities, and am looking into our local rock/mineral clubs :)

mtg, if you end up finding those links from your geology PD, I would love to see them! :))
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Re: Identifying rock samples

Post by Anna Z » contact James... he'll point you in the right direction.
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Re: Identifying rock samples

Post by Anastasia »

You could try Google lens?
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