Posters and Models for Biology

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Posters and Models for Biology

Post by cactus155 »

Anyone have any good places to purchase/obtain biology posters and models?


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Re: Posters and Models for Biology

Post by Merilyn1 »

Models - I get from Haines. Victor is helpful in doing special orders for models they don't list on their website but you will have to wait. Usually Eisco brand which are pretty good value and reasonable quality.
I never buy posters as I just don't have the storage for them.
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Re: Posters and Models for Biology

Post by Anna Z »

We purchase a lot of the Eisco brand, also through Haines. They get them in for us from the UK. Usually have to wait 8-10 weeks. Southern are good at sourcing the 3B Scientific models as they are an agent for them.
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Re: Posters and Models for Biology

Post by Yuks »

For models, Southern biological and Mentone.
For posters, Mentone and Graphic Education.
They are all taking school purchase order and good customer service!
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