Bought one from Science Supply. As storage of them can be a nuisance, the one I bought can be dismantled to be stored flat. If you have space to store it intact, probably better and may give you more options.
The ends do detach. The material is very durable but I am a bit concerned that if you were assembling and disassembling a lot it may become a problem. Before ordering, I did ask SSA if it stored flat. It does, although I would have been happier with a hinged arrangement if one exists. Pretty sure I had one in a past labbie-life.
Yep, storage always our bug bear. I have lots of cupboard space, some is empty but not a lot of space for bulky items. In the refurb (before me) there was going to be a large storeroom. Then they realised the teachers had no staffroom so the storeroom became staffroom (it is light and airy as it got changed on the plans early on).
Gets me thinking that perhaps I need to move some items out of the compactus which can deal with larger items, and put the smaller items into cupboards. Yep, as soon as I have a spare week!