Stocktake programs

MSDSs, Storage, Handling, Transport, Labeling, computer management systems, and anything else to do with safety.
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Re: Stocktake programs

Post by bigmack »

Yes the added Chemicals is fun . you can usually identify them because they have 0.0 quantity One year I had over 50 "extras" that appeared. I'd delete them and next week , there would be more .Just extra crap we don't need to deal with .
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Re: Stocktake programs

Post by NTrivedi »

Hi All
It is a good question applicable to most labtechs.
I think that even if available, any readily available commercial labstock software might not be perfectly suitable for everyone due to different level and type of requirements.

For simple requirements as discussed Excel or similar spreadsheet application might be enough.
For more complex requirements, one possibility and my suggestion is to prepare your own customised database application using database software like MS ACCESS or similar software.
I had to spend lot of time learning and then preparing and fine tuning my labstock application using MS ACCESS database software.
Now i find it was really worth learning and preparing the labstock database application.
I recommend this option only because I find it very useful for my purpose.
The software application once prepared has been great help for my chemical and glassware stock recording, retrieving, finding, report preparation and various queries as i required.
The drawback or limitation of this option is it needs access to and basic or intermediate skills of selected database software.
If possible, the database software is a powerful and easy to use option.
Good luck.
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Re: Stocktake programs

Post by labbassistant »

Hi All,
I've started using chemwatch for our stocktake, and I've added chemicals to each class, or location etc. but can anyone tell me if the SDS's get automatically updated?
Previously we have downloaded them and saved as PDF's onto our computer, and we have an excel sheet with the issue dates and we check to see when they are due to be updated.
So does chemwatch do this automatically? Or do I still have to go in and check in the stocktake on chemwatch to see if they are in date/expired/updated?

Hope this makes sense
Thank you
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