double fume hoods

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double fume hoods

Post by plooyen »

This is a question for those that have double fume hoods ie classroom on one side, prep room on the other

Do you have distraction issues between the two rooms, ie, students can see what is happening in the prep room?
We have a Dynaflow installed

If so, what do you do to limit this?
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Re: double fume hoods

Post by Merilyn1 »

I have two double sided fume hoods. I try to avoid using them if there is a class on the other side, but sometimes it just can't be helped. I'm always more concerned with doing something really dumb whilst 30 pairs of eyes are watching me!
I have found that some students are interested in what I'm doing, a lot aren't. If it is a particularly unruly class, I don't make it harder for the teacher and either use the other fume hood or wait for the class to finish. My teachers are understanding that sometimes I have to use the fume hood when they have a class.
At the end of the day, it is up to the teacher to control their students. We can't help it if the only fume hood they provide to us is double sided.
Don't stress about it. Do the best you can with what you have.
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Re: double fume hoods

Post by melsid »

I have used velcro dots on the classroom side to put up a poster which blocks the view. If the teacher needs students to see in we simply remove the poster and replace it when the prac is over. I got sick of being the latest animal in the zoo! NOTE: The velcro is on the outside of the fume hood
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Re: double fume hoods

Post by Labbie »

Yes we also had that Melsid. work's a treat.
Regards Labbie

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Re: double fume hoods

Post by kwilson »

Im new to the Labbie world but wanted to share that the school I work in have installed roller blinds on the class side of the double fume hoods. So the teacher can simply roll it up when/if needed. The velcro idea that @melsid suggested sounds like a brilliant idea.
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Re: double fume hoods

Post by mtg »

Mine is double and sort of adjacent to the class sitting area, so the kids are looking the other way, then when they do a prac requiring fume hood they come over to the fume hood, the teachers demo bench is on castors and can be moved so the kids can see what's happening. Not a problem unless it is an amazing use thereof, like trying out a prac that goes wrong and explodes or catches fire. :D
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