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Risk Assessment for Lab techs

Posted: 04 May 2020, 10:49
by Kathryn
Good morning
I noticed a conversation on the ASETNSW Digest about doing RA's for preparing experiments eg diluting acids etc. I have not thought about doing this before. Apart from dilution of acids and bases what else do you make RA's for (separate from the teacher RA's for experiments)?

Re: Risk Assessment for Lab techs

Posted: 04 May 2020, 11:47
by Labbie
I have merged these posts

Re: Risk Assessment for Lab techs

Posted: 04 May 2020, 12:04
by Merilyn1
Sorry - I would have thought this was quite a different question to doing risk assessments for classes. Anyway, I'll continue on...
Kathryn - I think I replied on ASET, but for the benefit of others - I do RAs for all chemical handling. Also will do RAs for things like making agar, bending/cutting glass tubing - anything where there is a risk. I actually can't think of anymore at the moment, maybe I've actually forgotten what my job is! I use Riskassess for doing all of them. Even if they don't list the equipment or materials, you can add it in at the bottom and detail the hazards. I complete my own document on Riskassess. Then when putting together the prac, I am only detailing my hazards and controls for putting the prac together, not all the background work such as chemical handling that was done prior.
By using Riskassess it keeps all the RAs together in one spot.

Re: Risk Assessment for Lab techs

Posted: 05 May 2020, 11:49
by mtg
Riskassess for me too, when I'm training someone, work placement etc, I do a RA for the labbie. I think we are supposed to in Victoria, but I find Riskassess is good enough, I add notes if the teacher has to prepare anything.