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Posted: 30 Mar 2007, 12:15
Hi guys. I was wondering if anyone could give me a recipe for making artifical blood. I had one but lost it. Many thanks for your help. TRACE

Posted: 30 Mar 2007, 12:21
by Whspa
Hi Trace

Check the website of Regional Technicians Group of West Australia on

It's a fantastic site where you'll find artificial blood recipes and lots, lots more!!


Artificial Blood

Posted: 30 Mar 2007, 13:50
by laurena
Blood Group A - 0.5 Molar Sodium Chloride 2.9g/100ml water and add red food dye.

Blood Group B - 0.1 Molar Barium Nitrate 2.6g/100ml water and add red food dye.

Blood Group AB - mix equal amounts of the above two reagents and add red food dye.

Blood Group O - water plus red food dye.

Antisera A - 0.1Molar silver nitrate 1.7g/100ml water
Antisera B - 5% sodium silicate 5.0g/100ml water

Laurena - Waikerie High School (it works well) :roll: