Long term health issues from chemicals

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Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by Estelleaf »

Hi there,
I was wondering what kind of long term health issues anyone might be experiencing from being exposed to chemical vapours in the chemical storerooms? Or any health issues from exposure for that matter.
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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by Merilyn1 »

Really hard to quantify, Estelle. Each chemical will potentially have long term health effects and who knows of the problems with combinations of these. The SDS will have some information. My background is with pesticides and for years glyphosate was considered non-hazardous. They are now finding there is a link between this pesticide and some types of cancers. The moral, treat everything with respect (and a good dose of common sense - I can't see sodium chloride being a problem!)
Ensure that the storeroom is properly ventilated. The exhaust fan should be left running 24 hours a day. Ensure that all containers are properly sealed ie lids are firmly closed. I try to spend as little time as possible in the storeroom.
Your award or agreement should allow for regular blood testing at the employers expense.
Just remember that we are exposed to lots of potentially hazardous things throughout our day - exhaust fume, other chemicals. If we were to get in a panic we'd be living under a sheet of iron in a rainforest.
Please message me if you have questions.
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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by macca »

Hi Estelleaf

This has concerned me for years, there were years prior to SDS and the internet where we had little to no information regarding storage, use and disposal of chemicals. I have noticed over the years I have become more sensitive to different chemicals. Days I have spent in and out of the chemical room, my skin on my face and other exposed areas are quiet itchy, I go straight home and have a shower.

In the last 12 months I have become allergic to acrylic nails after having them for over 6 years and have to have addictive added to hair dye after 12 odd years for sensitive scalp. I can do without the nails but not prepared to go totally grey just yet. lol

I have a full blood work done every year, hopefully to help keep an eye on things. I don't get the employer to pay for the tests as they are done on medicare at no extra cost and they then don't have access to your records.

I was also advise years ago to have x-rays/scans for asbestos but was told not to let them pay for it as they would have a record and it may be clear at the time but surface years later. To record any exposure with your employer.
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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by Merilyn1 »

Hi Macca
You're very disciplined to be getting the tests done every year! Sorry to hear that you have had so many problems.
Have to say, in regards to any legal action down the track, the first thing the employers legal team will want to see is your medical records. To not produce them would appear that you had something to hide. It is your choice, and don't get me wrong - I'm not being critical, but if someone wanted to get their employer to pay for it, I can't see any great problem doing it that way either. There's a good chance that the employer would see them if it sadly got to that level.
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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by macca »

No but if they have access that gives them access to high cholesterol etc; has been used as (blood pressure) not suitable for employment. health risk that they would not have known about, have seen this happen, not a pleasant experience to watch. As for the asbestos that is going on solicitors advice. It doesn't cost you anything to do it yourself. If later on they do require access then they have to follow the appropriate procedures, sadly I have been in this situation. It can get very messy.

I will add I really hate needles and have to drag myself there every year. lol
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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by Merilyn1 »

Oh yuk - sounds really awful. Don't get me started on dealing with insurance companies!
Hope you sorted it out in the end.
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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by mtg »

Asbestos would be hard to prove as it was everywhere years ago, and the Army still use it in their vehicles (or did last time I checked). But all my mineral boxes have been double bagged after the asbestos men came, ready for collection. They have serpentine in them and thus may have contaminated the rest of the kit. There are safe serpentine rocks and asbestos containing ones. However, the potential, (if processed), asbestos is stable, minuscule and wont kill anyone, but rules are rules. I made them send a sample away for testing just in case it was the benign serpentine. It wasn't. I wonder who's testing private schools?
And I do believe long term labbies will have a range of health problems depending on the level of chem exposure.
I have to keep away from the Van Der Graff now as it can send my heart into arrhythmia!
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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by macca »

It's really scary how it works with Asbestos, if you are diagnosed, because of the class actions taken the major unnamed company will pay out the claim, then there insurance company goes through all your employment history to re cope the funds. For for example, a hardware store who operated in the 60's 70's past employee has a claim he is paid out then they come after the hardware store owner and anybody else the employee has worked for if the company no longer exists they come after any surviving owners/directors. Usually there insurance companies no longer exist and have been absorbed by bigger companies. Very very messy, considering the hardware store owner (for example) was not made aware of the dangers back then. It's the new wave of claims from renovator that is going to be a problem.

At the moment in the US it is about to start with class actions being taken on Monsanto (round-up) will be interesting to see how that pans out.

It's all getting way to hard.

Let's stay healthy people
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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by Labbie »

Has any one ever had a problem with their Union? or perhaps a place of advice on this subject?
Regards Labbie

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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by Labbie »

Regards Labbie

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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by macca »

We all have our SDS and we have a Risk Assessment for every chemical we have from the Risk Assess program. However looking at a chemical individually doesn't give you an overall picture.

I have tabled our Science chemicals according to the Toxicity, it is confronting to say the least.
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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by bigmack »

\:D/ Excellent Macca

Printed and placed in SDS folder.
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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by Merilyn1 »

Good bit of work Macca. Just remember to review and update regularly - but it sounds like you are switched on with all of that sort of thing!
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Re: Long term health issues from chemicals

Post by Kathryn »

Thanks Macca.
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