Rotting offal #1 and #2

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Re: First day back and not happy

Post by smiley »

Dude, you work in an all boys school in the Tropics. One where they have to wear a uniform that includes LONG socks!!

How can your fridge smell any worse than Yr9 boys after lunch?? :cheesy: :crazy:
Cheers, K 8-)
Marama T
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Rotting offal #1 and #2

Post by Marama T »

One freezer gave up the ghost and it was a bit before I found it. When I opened it, the smell was so bad from rotting undissected offal that people from the next building over wanted to know what the heck science was doing! We chucked the entire freezer out, lid firmly in place.
This time, the test tag people didn't plug a small freezer back in and I found it only a week later. Still pretty rank - rotting brains, octopus and toads. Fortunately, I seem to have no gag reflex for bad smells, so I separated the offal from the wrapping so it can be put in the green bin for composting. I love being a science assistant! (No, really...) :clap3:
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Re: Rotting offal #1 and #2

Post by Labbie »

The tag man service should pay for a new freezer and items to go into it. It happened to us, way back, see your Head, good luck.
Regards Labbie

Lab Manager/Lab Tech, mind reading etc etc
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Re: Rotting offal #1 and #2

Post by Marama T »

Wow, it's actually a common problem. Hilarious. Love the tip about a bowl of strong KMnO4 to get rid of odours too. We've sent off a request to the test tag people to get their insurance to pay for lost stock :D
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Re: Rotting offal #1 and #2

Post by Labbie »

Do let us know how you go please.
Regards Labbie

Lab Manager/Lab Tech, mind reading etc etc
Now retired :wub:
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