School Tours Holiday work

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School Tours Holiday work

Post by MariaQ »

Hi Just wondering if anyone goes overseas on school tours in their holidays? And if so as we are stood down, do you get paid? In fact does anyone work in the stand down time and get paid for it?

Cheers MariaQ
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Re: School Tours Holiday work

Post by Merilyn1 »

I've never been invited on a school tour, but I'm thinking that may be a good thing! You should check your award/agreement to see what happens if you are required to work in the holidays. Usually, the arrangement is either you are paid casual rates or are able to take the time off at another time. But I've only encountered this when I have had to work an odd day in the holidays. Don't be surprised if they are assuming you will do it for the love!
Teachers get really confused over salary and wage positions. Teachers are generally on a salary - they get paid the same regardless of how many hours they work. That is why they are expected to do work after school hours, weekends, holidays etc. The rest of us mere mortals are on wages, i.e. a contracted number of hours for which we are paid an hourly rate. Legally if we are expected to work in our holidays we are to be paid.
The school trip sounds like a nightmare - do you just work your normal hours and then ignore everyone after 4pm knock off? I'll leave that decision with you.
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Re: School Tours Holiday work

Post by annettstanley »

I have gone on tour with our school. Because my wages are averaged over the whole year I get paid during holidays anyway and whilst on tour we do get a small amount of time "off" when kids get billeted. It is usually a great experience and you get to know the kids a bit better as well.
Annett Stanley
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Re: School Tours Holiday work

Post by Merilyn1 »

If you pay is being averaged over the whole year, we are not being paid for holidays. Although we continue to be paid over the holidays, we are not paid for them.
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Re: School Tours Holiday work

Post by MariaQ »

Yes Merilyn1, thats my point, it is a great experience I have done it before, but Im not being paid and everyone else is. I get my pay averaged, but this does not mean Im being paid for that time. Im medical officer and have responsibilities and duties. Its a humanitarian tour were we build houses in Cambodia, its not just a paid holiday! I also wonder how Im covered legally if anything happens to me over there, or there's an incident that I have some responsibility for. I just wondered if anyone had any experience with this. Cheers Maria
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Re: School Tours Holiday work

Post by Matt_Coffs »

When our other part-time lab tech retired part of the renegotiations of positions was that I do three weeks paid work during the holidays. One week in each of the shorter holidays. It's great for getting all the things done that get pushed aside during a busy term.
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