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Thermometers stored Vertically

Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 09:00
by Labbie
Morning everyone.

After reading all about thermometers, we are now going to store all our Thermometers vertically. May I ask people, on any tips in which they store their Thermometers. Glass Jar's, may crash and brake. Plastic jars, may fall over, not very strong.

I would welcome any tips.


Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 09:31
by me
Hi Sue,
I store my pipettes vertically in a plastic Smith's, STAX, Chips. They are tall,strong and don't fall over easily when full(sounds like someone you'd want to marry). Might try the thermometers in them too.

Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 09:36
by me
Sorry that was suppose to read "empty Smiths STAX chip container"

Thermometers stored vertically

Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 09:48
by Robbie
We have stored our thermometers vertically in gas jars for several years - ten thermometers to a jar.

The gas jars are reasonably heavy and we have not had any breakages. If you store more than ten to a jar it may get unstable.

Hope this works for others!


Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 09:50
by Jazz
talk to you TAS department to make you wooden stand like this This is plastic but kid made ours as a prac
sorry i can not post the picture but if you go to this website you will find one

Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 10:33
by Labbie
Wow, thank you folks, The head teacher feels wooden ones would be just great.

Thanks to you all


Posted: 28 Feb 2007, 11:55
by Julia
Hi everyone,

While we are on the subject of Thermometers,
a teacher found that some of our thermometers are reading 115c while boiling water. :-o :oops:
Not sure if it's worth callibrating them using glycerol?
But also isn't that just for when the liquid seperates inside????

Any input appreciated