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Schulze's Solution

Posted: 19 Feb 2007, 13:52
by tania
Could someone help us out with Shulzes Solution when testing for cellulose in food products?
I have a recipe for a solution, using zinc chloride, potassium iodide,
iodine and distilled water, but in the past teachers have had no success in getting results.
Any ideas
Thank you

Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 09:55
by Mother
Hi Tania
Schultze's solution

Use: Test for Cellulose

Preparation: Dissolve 20g zinc chloride in 9.5 mls warm distilled water,then cool; add drop by drop the following solution until a persistent precipitate of iodine forms.(About 1.5 mls of this iodine solution is required)

Remember this Schultze's solution is very corrosive!!!

I have a sneaky feeling this solution is banned in public schools.Maybe someone can enlighten me on this?

Posted: 20 Feb 2007, 13:17
by Mother
Hi again Tania
Sorry, but the recipe I have posted for the Schultze's solution I think has an ingredient missing!!! It doesn't seem to make sense.Will look for another recipe.

Testing for Cellulose in Food.

Posted: 21 Feb 2007, 08:21
by tania
Does any one have another method for the testing of cellulose in food other than using Shulzes Soln?
Thanks Tania

Posted: 21 Feb 2007, 08:44
by gurney
Hi Tania,
Have not used this recipe for Schultze's solution, but it is with my recipes.
Preparation:Dissolve 20g zinc chloride in 9.5 ml warm distilled water, then cool,add drop by drop the following solution until a persistent precipitate of iodine forms (About 1.5ml of this iodine solution is required)
Iodine 0.5g, Potassium iodide 1g, Distilled water 20ml
Method:Add one drop Schultze's solution to small amount of solid carbohydrate. The solids must be dry. Wait for 2 minutes for colour to develop. Blue black colour is a positive result. The instructions need to be followed exactly for this test.
An added hand written note at the bottem adds -
That one school could not get the Schultze's solution to work until they added one drop of conc. Sulfuric acid to the zinc chloride/water solution.
Hope this helps, Denise

Posted: 21 Feb 2007, 08:54
by Jazz
hi Tania
I use "Laboratory book" for recepies and this one I use for cellulose and starch tests

A blue/black colour indicates the presence of starch or cellulose
3g iodine
15 g potassium iodade
1L distilled water
Disolve potassium iodide in app 800mL of the distilled water and then add the iodine. Make up 1L with distilled water. Make 24 hours before reqiured as iodine is slow to disolve
Procedure; Drop a few drops into test material, colour change is immediate
Storage: Store in a tightly closed brown glass botle. Iodione solutions deteriorate with light and age
Hope this will help