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eye wash stations

Posted: 19 Dec 2013, 10:30
by mtg
What do you have? Our refurb has a hand held shower (no drains tho'). Does anyone know if we have to have a double eye washing thingy? And what do you recommend? Sorry about the late query but we're still nitpicking prior to taking on occupation.

Re: eye wash stations

Posted: 19 Dec 2013, 12:31
by Lyn
We have a combined (Speakman) eyewash and safety shower setup in both our middle school labs and the same safety shower and eyewash in the biology lab and the chemistry lab. The only shower with any drainage is in the chem lab. All the other labs we just have to mop up the water on the floor. The eyewash baths have an outlet pipe through the wall to remove water. In an emergency it really doesn't matter if there is water on the floor as long as the student's safety is provided for. We had this safety equipment installed after a thorough safety audit of the school. I can't understand how people can quibble over a piece of equipment that should be standard for any high school laboratory. Look up PBA Safety P/L in Victoria, NSW or Queensland. There would be other suppliers out there.

P.S. Having drainage would be really useful though. There is so much water on the floor once that shower is activated.