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Meanwhile, in Florida..

Posted: 02 May 2013, 11:49
by Xenon
Schoolkid expelled after reacting aluminium foil with sodium hydroxide in a plastic bottle, in an unsupervised experiment in the playground. Bottle explodes, and the assistant principal rings the police who charge the student with possessing, making, placing and discharging a destructive device. Good grief, bad choice but no-one was hurt. Hardly compares to recent student activity in the Boston area. ... to_cri.php

Re: Meanwhile, in Florida..

Posted: 03 May 2013, 13:58
by sunray18
Knee jerk reaction of stupidity!

Re: Meanwhile, in Florida..

Posted: 03 May 2013, 14:04
by rae
LOL! We had a kid bring the stuff to school and the teacher took them outside and I think the kid demo'd it for the whole class. It was really stupid thing to do and I think the teacher regretted it later but there is no accounting for stupidity though I wouldn't have thought it was a criminal offence!!

Re: Meanwhile, in Florida..

Posted: 03 May 2013, 14:51
by macca
Don't you just love though on page 2 of the article it has a movie clip on how too!!!!!!!!!!! :crazy:

Re: Meanwhile, in Florida..

Posted: 07 May 2013, 15:39
by linotas
One of our teachers (who happens to have a PHD in Chem) was talking about this today. He was a bit shocked since he has done the exact same experiment at least a dozen times at this school since he started here last year.

Re: Meanwhile, in Florida..

Posted: 08 May 2013, 09:37
by Graham Kemp
It's the "unsupervised" and "playground" parts that are the problem.

Discoraging students from playing with explosives on the playground is a good idea. Even mild ones.

Still, using federal criminal prosecution to do so might just be a something of an over reaction.

Re: Meanwhile, in Florida..

Posted: 10 May 2013, 19:06
by Graham Kemp
And meanwhile, closer to home: ... en/4682220

A line has got to be drawn somewhere, because crossing it can be tragic.

Re: Meanwhile, in Florida..

Posted: 13 May 2013, 09:01
by smeee
A guy I went to high school with had an accident with making a backyard rocket.
This is his story.......

Something good...great...... has come out of his experience