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Re: Glowing splint test

Posted: 10 Sep 2012, 13:20
by lada
I just made up the Smiley way, great. They look like tiny discs. Much better than the rice grain of powder, which some students translate as spatula full.

Re: Glowing splint test

Posted: 10 Sep 2012, 13:59
by mtg
And....for a splint I use a wooden skewer as long matches and tapers were either wasted or dripped everywhere and me or the teacher dispense the MnO2. I wll try the plaster idea tho'. Can you use cornice cement? I use that instead of plaster of paris cos it's cheaper, but it goes off quicker.(sets)

Re: Glowing splint test

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 12:45
by Whspa
I made these pellets yesterday, but find the reaction with peroxide and detergent is very underwhelming. The pellets just sit there fizzing gently with a small head developing. What am I doing wrong?

Re: Glowing splint test

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 16:22
by Alice

You may need more pellets.

I use fresh Hydrogen Peroxide 6%. If it's
been on the shelf too long it won't be any good.
The stronger the Hydrogen peroxide, the better the result.
It depends on the classes - upper or lower school, as to
what strength is best.

As for tapers, I put mine inside a drinking straw to stop
students from breaking them. The straw acts as a handle
and its seems to have cured the breakage problem.

Hope some of this might help.
