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Prac Tests

Posted: 27 Jul 2012, 13:43
by gwen
Does anyone have a simple to mark prac test for year 10?
We have always done a series of stations with rotation. I've never been very happy with it as generally it tests knowledge not practical know how. Some of the poor little darlings have never seen some of the equipment used much less handled it.
I was thinking some simple experiment with a write up could be the answer but what do other schools do?

Re: Prac Tests

Posted: 27 Jul 2012, 14:44
by rae
We do a titration prac using NaOH and HNO3 and obviously burettes and pipettes. They do it in groups of 3 but each kid does his own titration and then a work sheet that follows with relevant questions to titration.
We have done this for many years and it always works well.

Re: Prac Tests

Posted: 27 Jul 2012, 14:57
by gwen
Thanks Rae that could work.I was stumped for suggestions when the HT asked.

Re: Prac Tests

Posted: 27 Jul 2012, 15:19
by DavidPeterson
You guys are definitely well ahead of us - we'd never have yr10's doing titrations. In fact, most of the time it's above the yr 11's.

Re: Prac Tests

Posted: 27 Jul 2012, 15:43
by lada
very true, no titrations for yr10. We have done pendulum and they graph the results and work out gravity etc.
This year we are doing ticker times to work out acceleration.

Re: Prac Tests

Posted: 30 Jul 2012, 08:58
by sunray18
The last one we did with Yr 10 had two questions. The first was an endothermic - using Sodium Bicarbonate and citric acid solution. They had to weigh the sodium bicarb and measure the volume out of ciritic acid then take temperature. Second one was a ph using universal indicator. simple to set up simple to mark.

Re: Prac Tests

Posted: 02 Aug 2012, 08:50
by Ocean Breeze
we have been sucessful with several tasks at stations:

Set up a circuit, gets marked /yes/no depending if light comes on. then dismantle again& put components back into box (those ones are near teachers bench so she can view). Or take readings from the Am, V, use resistors etc

Reading a series of measuring cylinders (ml)and noting their pH as well

Taking measurements from a variety of instruments (eg multimeter, thermometer, verniers calliper,
Masses and electronic balance set up to weigh each item with a beam balance)

Timing a reaction sodium thio with H Cl. (need a small vial of each reactants and a new petridish for each studetn-with cross under bottom of dish)
Lots of setting up/washing up with that one

These have all been done and the teachers are happy with them

Re: Prac Tests

Posted: 06 Aug 2012, 13:41
by gwen
Thanks for the suggestions. I've passed them on to the head teacher, but so far no reply.
Cheers, Pam