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alcohol based hand sanitiser

Posted: 28 Jun 2012, 15:33
by curie
Another " I'm not sure I can win here " safety question - those of you who have that alcohol based hand sanitiser - how do you dispose of the empty containers and any that migt be left in the bottom of the pump bottle? I ask because a teacher caught me on the run and asked. I told him that as it was predominatly alcohol that he could wash it down the drain with lots of water and throw the empty in the bin.

Now reading the 3 or 4 MSDS I can find on line (I'm in the process of updating them all) they say 1) not to release to waterways, 2) it is breaks down when mixed with water and becomes inactive, 3) dispose of as hazardous waste 4) Decontaminate container 5) recycle container 6) dispose according to local regs. O and chemwatch said use gloves when handling. 8O

So what happens with all those bottles that everyone now has in their purse and first aid kit? #-o

I have a headache. I'm going home. :yuck:

Re: alcohol based hand sanitiser

Posted: 29 Jun 2012, 08:39
by sampjm
Just a thought not that it is right. Mr and Mrs average toss them in the bin when finished with. :thumbup:

Re: alcohol based hand sanitiser

Posted: 29 Jun 2012, 10:56
by sunray18
Same thought - you see them everywhere and no one else is going to read the MSDS unless they have to - so what would a mum who carries it in the car do???

Re: alcohol based hand sanitiser

Posted: 29 Jun 2012, 12:12
by linotas
I personally try to steer clear of the stuff. I have no idea why there is this obsession with hand sanitisers......
Anyhoo, Its a product you can buy on the supermarket shelf...bin it!