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Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 19:05
by trish armstrong
Hi, did you see A current affair on Monday 5th March, about those poor kids who were told to hold dry ice in their bare hands by that casual teacher..
And they made a competition out of it!!! :mad:
I was shocked, and just shook my head.
it is also written on the ninemsn page...
Why do some teachers not follow the rules in CSIS, why do they look at you as if your dirt when you point out the instructions..(just because they haven't read the CSIS package in years). :redcard:
When you ignore the rules incidents like this happen..
Trish :banghead2:

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 05 Mar 2012, 19:10
by amandag
Not sodium, it was dry ice, and this is a reason why we need to stand together and demand risk assessments are carried out. As for a CRT doing an experiment, I am speechless.

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 06:28
by noona
Why is the casuanl teacher doing a prac anyway :redcard:
at my school no casual teacher can do pracs unless Science Trained and then it is only if we think the teacher is good and has been at the school in Science before

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 07:05
by sunray18
I agree - a casual shoudlnt do a prac unless science trained..
THAT being said one of our permanent teachers ahs done some really dangerous things - she dried a large lump of sodium off because she didnt like the oil on it - it took off like a rocket and made a hole in the roof, she h as allowed students to mix together all the chemicals on the trolley to 'see what happens', and when I asked what the products were, for safe disposal, she said she had no idea!
I asked if she had checked the CSIS before she let them do that..her reply "'What is the CSIS?"
It sometimes seems like we are the only ones that care about safety and the CSIS! Does anyone else get that idea too.

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 07:29
by sharonm
I have just watched it online. I could not believe what I was seeing. I'm left shaking my head.

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 08:05
by Lis
I was stunned too, I heard about it on the local radio late last week, couldnt believe it. What on earth was the casual teacher thinking he has to be the biggest dope, those poor kids, the burns were horrific. If I was one of the parents Id be taking it further, unbelievable negligence.

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 08:46
by noona
I agree take him out of schools all together as hem might turn up at some other school and who knows what he might do next

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 08:58
by Narelle01
Noona, I just sent you the link for the video one of the kids took.
The teacher is clearly visable - if he turns up at your school Scream and lock yourself in the prep room!

Horrid! the poor kids - their hands were obviously burning, they were hopping around trying to be the person who held it the longest!

Re: Holding Dry Ice in their hands:(:(

Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 12:30
by trish armstrong
trish armstrong wrote:Hi, did you see A current affair on Monday 5th March, about those poor kids who were told to hold dry ice in their bare hands by that casual teacher..
And they made a competition out of it!!! :mad:
I was shocked, and just shook my head.
it is also written on the ninemsn page...
Why do some teachers not follow the rules in CSIS, why do they look at you as if your dirt when you point out the instructions..(just because they haven't read the CSIS package in years). :redcard:
When you ignore the rules incidents like this happen..
Trish :banghead2:

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 12:32
by trish armstrong
Sorry about the heading, was in the middle of writing an SOP for sodium when I seen the show and jumped on to chemtalk...
Talk about having work on the brain...

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 12:57
by Krysia Lee
I felt sick when I it! Those poor children I can't imagine how painful it must have been.
I am wondering now if its only a matter of time till they bn dry in schools

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 06 Mar 2012, 13:01
by Krysia Lee
Oops meant to say ban dry ice.

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 07:40
by mtg
I dont think the dry ice was the problem. The teacher was a goose.
What was the competition's prize? To keep holding dry ice whilst it was burning it must have been awesome.
And just when you thought you'd seen everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 08:37
by RosalieM
Wow I just googled it. That is crazy!! It is an incident like this that ruins it for all the genuinely safety conscious people out there who do the right thing. I hope it doesn't get banned. It is such a useful tool in different ways, but like all tools can be dangerous if used incorrectly.

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 11:08
by nickykinz
Banning it would be like banning Bunsen's in case some fool of a teacher has a competition to see who can hold their hands in the flame for the longest!

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 07 Mar 2012, 11:22
by RosalieM
I guess eventually they will just ban science!!

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 06:23
by noona
All I can say is Steve Nugent will be livered :redcard: (he is the HT I think he is on leave)
That Teacher will never work there again and I think not at any other State school.

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 07:52
by Lis
Hi Noona, lets hope not at any school, cheers Lisa

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 08:06
by noona
Your right Lisa
I wonder if there is a DO NOT EMPLOY list for Teachers, if so lets put him on the top of the list :thumbup:

Re: Holding Sodium in their hands:(:(

Posted: 08 Mar 2012, 08:11
by Lis
I certainly will if he turns up here, we are close enough :unsure: even if it is maths or english