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Fine plastic tubing coils

Posted: 05 Dec 2006, 10:14
by Meri
From the basic skills workshop 2006 SASS Science Conference, Rosalie demonstrated a way to use plastic tubing coiled around in a circle, (instead of using bent glass), tube inserted into rubber stopper. If anyone can remember what experiment this was used for and the method used in setting up the tube coil. I would be grateful for your help.


Posted: 05 Dec 2006, 10:31
by CarolF
I was not there but it sounds like the alternative to glass in the pasteur experiment. We sometimes use a piece of plastic tubing with a full loop which then has one end pointing upwards and the other through a cork into the beaker containing the broth. We maintain the tubing's shape by copper wire. Hope this is of some use.

Plastic Tubing for Pasteur's Flasks

Posted: 07 Dec 2006, 12:12
by cheltie
Hi Meri,
I attended Rosalie's Basic Skills session and although I had only a glimpse of the tubing I do recall Rosalie saying that it was a convenient and disposable substitute for the glass tubing used in Pasteur's flask experiment.

Rosalie works at Greystanes HS and I am sure she would be happy to explain further if you give her a call.
