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Safety training for teachers

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 10:11
by Kathryn
Hi everyone

I am to do a short presentation of chemical safety for all staff during our in-service week in January. Any tips on what I should make sure I cover?

Kathryn 8)

Re: Safety training for teachers

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 10:38
by lada
MSDS, RA, storage and handling of chemicals, different classes of dangerous and hazardous goods, usage for different years.
How to read labels, amount of chemicals allowed for storage, use of flammable cupboard

Re: Safety training for teachers

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 11:34
by Labbie
THeir is a step by step guide in the CSIS, with O/H as well.

Re: Safety training for teachers

Posted: 30 Nov 2011, 15:40
by sunray18
how about a strong talk on making sure that students do the right thing- safety glasses for students all the time, not sitting on benches, playing with balls or eating in the science rooms.. all the things that seem to slip some teachers minds!
YES I have had a bad day ..same teacher with 3 different classes did flame tests today. I have 8 chemicals in sets, and 8 sets for a class.
1st class one set came back with one chemical contaminated, fixed that up ready for the 2nd class.
This time 3 sets were contaminated - more work preparing for the .....3rd class. Not bad only 5 sets completely spoilt..gee what is his average today????
and on a hot day - can you imagine MY TEMPERATURE!

Re: Safety training for teachers

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 07:43
by merilyn
I'd look at proper storage of chemicals/hazardous substances. Encourage them to consider what they have in their class rooms and do they need these things. For example, one staff room had Zero weedspray, I don't know why, but they have now given it to the property department.
Go through the importance of the annual audit, why we have to do it. Tell them what an MSDS is and why they should be familiar with them.

And use the KISS prinicple - "Keep It Simple Stupid"

Good luck

Re: Safety training for teachers

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 09:40
by Kathryn
Thanks for the advice everyone. This is for the whole school - teachers and support staff from kindy to YR 12. They are pretty good about chemicals because I do an annual aduit of the whole school and take away things they are not allowed. I will definately be keeping it simple (science staff are going to get another talking to at some stage!)


Re: Safety training for teachers

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 10:19
by RosalieM
Maybe just point out to them that when they order paints, glue, sunscreen etc (basically anything that can be consumed whether intended or not) always ask for all MSDS on the order and then they can file it away.

Re: Safety training for teachers

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 11:14
by ana.santos
Simple things to consider would be to read all labels to know whether the item is hazardous or not, so that staff/teachers would know if it would be safe for students to use. washing of hands after handling chemicals, working in ventilated area, avoid inhalation and cross contamination, washing of eyes in running water if chemicals get through, not putting chemicals near food items, not putting chemicals in food containers e.g coke bottles. be extra careful with methylated spirit especially in food warmers, flame/fume is invisible, usual cause of fire burns.


Re: Safety training for teachers

Posted: 01 Dec 2011, 15:29
by trish armstrong
If its for the whole school, definetley mention storage.. I cringe when I visit other faculty's and see how they store chemicals in their staffrooms. If we have to store metho etc in flammable cupboards, why does the others get away with it. Also Everything labeled and colour coded (green dotsetc) if used by students. But also mention that any personal chemicals has to be on school chem register... Most don't have a clue.
Person protection also is a good topic.. shoes, hair tied back..(watch the evil eye from all the high heeled English teachers glare:):):):)