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A Big Thank You to the Labbies

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 06:38
by noona
Hi All
A big thank you :wub: to all the labbies out there that came to the Conference all 240 of you and without all of you it would be nothing.
Lots of fun was had by all.
As for the T shirts we will look into it next year Liz :clap3: :clap3:
Again Thank You

Re: A Big Thank You to the Labbies

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 08:04
by kimmy
A big big :thumbup: thankyou to those of you who have organised such a great two days again \:D/ . Was well worth the wet trip to and from Sydney.

See you next year - time to go play :crazy: and practice :w00t: experiments learnt over the two days.


Re: A Big Thank You to the Labbies

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 08:46
by Timtam
"DITTO KIMMY" Rosalie, You girls are the best!!!! Im playing with my "ONE NOTE"

Thanx again girls, see you all next year


Re: A Big Thank You to the Labbies

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 09:21
by noona
Good girl Tammy hope you have fun

Re: A Big Thank You to the Labbies

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 10:48
by Ilona
My very first labbies conference - it was absolutely wonderful =D> - thank you Rosalie and everyone who helped organise the conference. It was definetely worth it.

Thanks again :D

Re: A Big Thank You to the Labbies

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 12:05
by Krysia Lee
It really was fantastic. I learnt so much, ate so much great food and loved meeting all the other labbies. A huge THANK YOU to all you wonderful ladies that organised such a great event. Easy to see why everyone I talked to had been coming to these conferences for years. I'll be back for sure.

Re: A Big Thank You to the Labbies

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 12:06
by lizzieb
Congratulations to the whole committee for another wonderful conference :clap3:

Brilliant organisation, yummy food, great company - not even the rain could dampen our spirits! :thumbup: :giggle:

Special thanks to Noona and Narelle for keeping us informed via chemtalk through the year \:D/ =D>

Already booked my room for 2012!! See you all again then :wink2:

Re: A Big Thank You to the Labbies

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 12:36
by Narelle01
It was so nice to meet you all face to face - LizzeB you are a special person xx

Wonder what things we can come up with for 2012 - the slushies were a fail this year - but if it had been 35 - 40 degrees would have been a hit!!!!

Re: A Big Thank You to the Labbies

Posted: 28 Nov 2011, 13:51
by lizzieb
Thanks Narelle - and ditto, my dear!

Don't dismiss the slushies too soon - come a normal year they will be very much appreciated. But who'd have predicted temps under 20deg?

So glad I packed my coat!