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copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 13:26
by sunray18
My HOD wants the old videos for science to be recorded onto DVD format. The Library won't do it as it is too time-consuming.
The idea is that I set up a computer and video player in my prep room and do this task as I do other jobs.
Has anyone had to do this?
Is there a simple way? A Programme, some sort of plug-in unit or whatever to make this job easier.???

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 13:41
by Voice
I have done this at home, with a DVD/VHS recorder. It works very well. If it is a 3 hour video you would only need to set it up with a monitor so that you could see what was happening at the start and after approx. 3 hours finalise the DVD format. You would need an alarm so that you could get on with the rest of your work. Maybe 10-20 minutes max. per video. :crazy:
Why tie up a computer?
One query would be the health and safety issue if TV, recorder etc...take up too much room for safe performance of your other duties.
There are professionals that earn a living doing this.
Why not get some quotes from these people. May do a special deal with lots of videos.
Good Luck

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 13:44
by nickyw
I bought a program that does this quickly and easily. I purchased it from Harvey Norman and it cost approx. $100.00. ... andard.asp

You have to have windows 7, vista or Xp to run it.

Have fun.

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 13:55
by strewth
I'd just like to alert anyone doing this to beware of copyright infringements. Our library staff will not copy any commercial videos onto DVD for that reason. They will only copy recordings that they have made in house. I know it's an expensive exercise to replace all those videos BUT it is cheaper than copyright fines.

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 14:03
by sunray18
I have actually had this copyright discussion with Library then with HOD. HOD wants ALL of them copied, and I have informed HOD that if she wants the purchased units copied, then she can do them..I will NOT do them and risk a fine for myself.. isn't it strange how quick ideas change when you say 'No!!' ... so now it is only all the ones recorded in-house, under licence... and of those most of them are over 10 years old and are really dated - and I just want to toss them out....
but..... well ... you just do what you're told..... sigh....

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 14:04
by RosalieM
I am of the understanding that if you have purchased it in one format you can transfer it to another format provided you do not lend/sell/profit from the original or the copy. I would think that transferring to DVD is not really different to transferring to a computer (eg for clickview which is becoming more popular).

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 14:37
by strewth
I know.... we have ancient stuff here too!!!
I have no in depth knowledge of copyright and have to be guided by those who do.
No doubt interpretation comes into it too, just to make it even more difficult.
It will be a 'SEP' soon at this school as I am only on contract!!!!

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 14:53
by franco
Dick Smith sell VHS to DVD converters for around $65 - just type VHS to DVD into the search box. I'm thinking of doing this for the 30-odd Disney VHS movies sitting on the shelf, probably never to see the light of day again and for which I paid around $20 or 30 each when they were first released 20 years ago. I would love to know if it is legal to copy from one format to another though, as like all lab techs, I don't earn enough to pay the hefty fines imposed for breaches of copyright.


Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 17:48
by souj
You are only permitted to copy from VCR format to DVD provided that :
You cannot purchase the VCR tape in DVD format(includes going online to check if available)- keep records and dates of your search,
Your school owns the original VCR tape i.e. not borrowed form home or another school
The VCR tape is not a pirate copy
Then you may make one copy only and the new DVD should be marked :Copied under Section 200AB of the Copyright Act for Insert name of your school and date.

This was the information given to me by our library staff. There is also a clause relating to the age of the VCR tape- however I cannot find the exact date at the moment so won't publish a guess. It is tough, I agree. We have been unable to copy many of our tapes becuse they are available in DVD format. No option other than to buy again or wait for Clickview.

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 13 Nov 2010, 06:46
by Ian
We are slowly getting our old VHS video's converted to ClickView. The ClickView system is administered by the Library, so it is all their problem and our benefit! (much more convenient than DVDs)

Ian :)

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 10:14
by vlclabbie
Cool - thanks for the ideas you guys! I've been wanting to convert my wedding video to DVD for a while.......! :D

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 12:06
by smiley
I'm with souj. I did the finding out myself, and the basic rule of thumb in Qld is the same as listed by souj.

i.e. IF you bought the original, and IF you can't get it on DVD, then you may copy it etc etc.

One note if you are trying to put things on Clickview: Get the library to break it up into chapters, rather like the Clickview programs you buy. This is to assist in the loading process. For example, if you check out any average Clickview show, the first chapter is about 30 seconds, the next about 3 mins, the nest a bit longer and so it goes on. This means that the next chapter can be loading while the first is playing, so that you get (allegedly) a continous show. If all the video is put onto one chapter, then loading can take ages, and you'd almost need to load it up before the lesson starts, which isn't always practicable, or possible.

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 12:13
by Ocean Breeze
Just a reminder to make sure to set the new DVD up into Chapters, or else you may regret it later on!
Especially if you have say, a video with 20 x 10 minute programs on it.... you will want to just be able to press the "next" button on the DVD. Rather than struggle to locate the start of each segment!

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 16 Nov 2010, 12:33
by sunray18
I have found a great little gadget to do this with... Dick Smith has it.. <$70... It burns on the disc as it is reading the video.. and it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After struggling for over a week with the cheap unit that was bought for me, I now have ONE VHS done... yes ONE after a weeks work!

Re: copying old videos on to DVds

Posted: 17 Nov 2010, 09:54
by Ocean Breeze
tell me more Sunray??
is this in conjunction with using a video--> DVD recorder?