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Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 09:02
by MariaC
:-( Hi Everyone,

just wondering those of you who use Chemmffx does it take forever to load each page?? Im trying to work out if its the program or my computer, hoping for the latter cos then I can get IT to look at it and try to speed things up a bit :w00t: Im trying to put all our chemstore in and every search or change of page takes about a minute which is driving me :crazy: MariaC

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 09:21
by Lis
Hi Maria

I have found it is quite slow, even loading the home page, it gets very frustrating, I am going to mention it to our IT dept too.

Lisa :thumbup:

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 09:23
by Kathryn
I find it slow and I have pretty much given up on using the manifest facility.

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 12:40
by curie
I'm finding it slow at the moment

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 13:02
by Ian
I find it very slow, but remember, the server is located in Dallas, Texas so all the information has to be delivered in a SLOOOOOOOW TEXXXXAN DRAAAAWL! :wink2:

Ian :cheesy:

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 13:25
by MariaC
:clap3: Very funny, though not to funny when you are trying to build a manifest from scratch, it makes for a very long day :crazy: MariaC

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 09 Nov 2010, 13:21
by Jazz
Speed depends of search engine you using, if you using Internet explorer make sure that you have latest version, I use Mozilla Firefox and it is little bit faster

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 09 Nov 2010, 13:23
by sunray18
I have another problem with chemffx

I am trying to print up labels and it is sooooooooo frustrating! :mad:
It is not consistent.. with some chemicals entering the molarity before the chemical name in search will work, but with some others it doesnt - with those entering the molarity after the chemical name sometimes works - and sometimes it doesnt.
A simple job of labelling some containers took over 2 hours trying all different combinations before I got what I needed - a simple quick job took over 2 hrs... :redcard:

At the moment I have emailed them about 5 different solutions that I have problems with right now:
0.01M Acetic Acid - the search produces a label for EDTA
Ammonium sulphate - 1M comes up with a brand name only; 0.05M has no match.
0.1M Sulphuric acid comes up with label for concentrated Sulphuric
1M Magnesium Sulphate has no match...
I have quite a few more but these are the only ones I have emailed them about.... :redcard: :redcard:

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 12:02
by curie
I'm trying to print out MSDS and it won't even load properly. I thought I'd leave it for a while and do some washing . came back and it hadn't loaded any further. I'm ready to throw my computer through the window.

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 18:48
by Ian
We had a similar thread to this one going back in September. At the time, I spoke to a very friendly and eager to help person from ChemWatch, named Jo Kulik. She seemed concerned about the number of people having problems and seemed keen to be contacted by users having difficulties. (Although she seemed convinced that my problems were because I use a Mac computer rather than a Windows computer!! Apparently it is a flawless program when run under Windows)

Anyway, why not send her an e-mail and ask her your question? Her address is jo@<URL removed, see forum rules>. I am sure she would be happy to help.

Let us know how you get on.

Ian :)

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 18 Nov 2010, 14:04
by curie
I spoke to a nice lady called Anna who changed some of my settings and showed me a different way to print - so either or both worked and I still have my monitor in one piece as they are printing so much faster. :-)

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 23 Nov 2010, 09:12
by curie
Is anyone else finding the site slow today? It is taking forever to load up the manifest

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 24 Nov 2010, 14:45
by lainyv
must be your server, just came back from a chemmffx course and the computers in this place took seconds to load each msds

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 29 Nov 2010, 09:30
by RosalieM
How did you get on a course???

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 02 Dec 2010, 15:57
by lainyv
contacted chemwatch and they told me there was a course in sydney at Horizons training centre and so myself and the other labbie went down for the day. Chemwatch will let you know the next training day if you ask and it much cheaper to send one person out there than to get them in to do it at your place. It is basically the same as the chemwatch 2 course but shows you how to use chem 3 (and chemffx at the end).

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 11:27
by RosalieM
Can someone please post the web address for chemffx? I can't find it anywhere!! And it's not coming up in my list of used websites. Thanks! Please remember to break it up so it doesn't get blocked.

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 11:46
by Krysia Lee
I think its this
jr.<URL removed, see forum rules> /chemffx/

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 11:55
by Ocker
So KL send private message!

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 06 Jun 2011, 12:27
by Krysia Lee
Thanks Ocker. I didn't think of that. I've done it and hope its right for you Rosalie.

Re: Chemffx how slow?

Posted: 07 Jun 2011, 13:06
by nahrein yaghoubpour
I was just wondering if chemffx is the same as chemgold which is what we use.
Can i have access to both?