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Free lamps

Posted: 05 Nov 2010, 11:34
by ri
Hi All,
we have 18 or so microscope lamps to give away, globes included.
Picture provided.
They can be used for light microscope work (iris diaphragm included) or as lamps for stereo-microscopes or as a heat source for raising chickens or temperature experiments.
They will need a new cord.
Can be taken to the Lab Tech conference coming up if wanted. Let us know.....
~Robyn :thumbup:

Re: Free lamps

Posted: 06 Nov 2010, 20:01
by Ian
Hi Robyn,
I don't really need any of your Microscope lamps as I have several identical ones of my own, (even down to having the cords chopped off!!) However, I thank you for enlightening me as to exactly what they are. I had wondered, but never enough to really investigate thoroughly what they were/did.

Having seen yours, and noted that your cords are chopped off, as are mine, I have now investigated mine to find out why. What I have found is that the light has a metal case, but the case is NOT earthed. In the "Olden Days" it was not considered necessary to earth a light fitting, but these days, such items would NEVER get past the Test-Tag man. That means that they need to either be modified by an electrician to earth the metal case, or otherwise NOT used in ANY school or commercial premises. I guess you could use them at home, but remembering that there is a good reason for insisting that metal cases be earthed.

I will probably keep one of mine for my "Old Equipment" museum, and toss the rest.

The cast iron bases might be good for weights for gluing things, or for paper weights. It seems a shame to toss such nice irises, but we can't keep everything.

I hope this helps.


Ian :)

Re: Free lamps

Posted: 08 Nov 2010, 12:43
by smiley
Ouch! Makes me want to investigate mine!

Thanks for the info Ian.

Re: Free lamps

Posted: 09 Nov 2010, 06:48
by sampjm
Hi there,

May I have 5 please. I will be at the conference.


Re: Free lamps

Posted: 10 Nov 2010, 08:00
by ri
Hi Ian,
thanks for your thoughts.
The leads are chopped off because they came to us with bakelite piggy-back plugs which are illegal these days. That is why the leads were cut off (by me).
Ours are regularly tagged annually so I guess the tag man knows what he is doing, however I will bring your concerns up with him. I have checked and our school has the cut-off overrides that the Australian standards require.

Re: Free lamps

Posted: 10 Nov 2010, 08:05
by ri
Hi Sharon,
I have sent a message via your pm