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School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 11:03
by noona
Hi All
The school holidays are just a week away and I am off in my new Kedron caravan to do some free camping up in the Hunter region :clap3:
So if you see us on the blacktop give us a wave. :giggle:
Hope you all have a great break and come back ready for a big term.

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 12:03
by MariaC
:thumbup: Hope you have a good time, sooooooooooooo soooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to rub it in but my THREE week holiday starts next week :clap3: Im planning some horse riding followed by more horse riding and then possibily a bit more horse riding!!! \:D/ Have fun everyone! MariaC

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 12:11
by noona
just sent you an email :mail:
Have fun see you in November :thumbup:

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 13:04
by smeee
Tomorrow is my last day for 4 weeks....flying out tomorrow night to Paris, London, Belfast, Dublin, Isle of Wight.
Will be good to catch up with family over there as its been 10 years since my last visit.
Have to go home this afternoon and unpack what I packed on Sunday then halve it !! 8-)
Have a safe and enjoyable break...its been a long and busy term

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 13:31
by smiley
OK Margaret, currently you win! :thumbup: My daughter is going on a Youth camp, where the feature activity is water-ski-ing, tubing etc. I will have a quiet, childless week. Yay!

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 13:59
by RosalieM
I am hoping that spring gets the memo that it was supposed to arrive 2 weeks ago. Where is its late note???? I'm off to Sydney for 5 days for a hens party and some other bridesmaid duties (primarily shoe shopping and hopefully a dress fitting!) and then home for 1-2 days then camping in Orange (hence hoping Spring will meet me there!) for the long weekend plus a few days and then home again with 3 days of organised biscuit baking, then a day to recover and be mentally prepared for term 4!! Holiday? What holiday???

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 14:05
by noona
Your are right Margaret wins hands down have a good one enjoy the Relo's :clap3: :clap3:

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 14:15
by jat
Adding a few weeks long service to the next hols and the wife and I are off to Chile. Our “daughter” (actually an exchange student who lived with us for 12 months back in 1999) is getting married, so it a wedding then some sightseeing.
So I am brushing up on my Spanish. A good friend who lives in California and goes into Mexico all the time with his work and is very good in Spanish (Mexican style at least!!) went to Chile and said he could hardly understand a word, so looking forward to that!!


Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 14:19
by CC
Well Margaret I thought my rode trip to the Sunshine Coast was exciting but you win. I am so jealous


Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 14:58
by Xenon
I also have a wedding (my niece), @ Hunter Valley Gardens. The old man and myself are lobbing a day early, to poke around the vineyards (& brewerys).

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 15:15
by Jen1
I can't beat margaret either (so jealous of you), but I am doing something I've never done before. I am one of four "Pink Ladies" that have entered into a 7 day car rally to raise funds for the Royal Flying Doctors Service. I think there are 10 cars in total but I'm sure we will look the best in our 1962 red valiant, complete with a plane on top with John Travolta sitting in it! :clap3:
We go from perth to Narrogin then off road along the Holland Track to Boulder, Southern Cross, Hyden, a mystery destination and back to perth. If anyone from Lab Land sees us, please come and say hello. :thumbup:

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 15:32
by RosalieM
Jen1 that sounds like so much fun!!! Can you take online donations? Post a link if you have one :)

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 15:32
by strewth
Sounds like an amazing adventure.
Boulder as in Kalgoorlie-Boulder??
I'm heading west to Kal for a week, so if I see any signs of a car rally I'll say hi!
Hope it goes well :thumbup:

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 16 Sep 2010, 15:57
by Jen1
yes Strewth, Boulder as in Kal/Boulder.
I think we will be there on the tuesday of the second week, would be great to say hi.

Rosalie, I'm not sure about online donations, I will ask my senior "Pink Lady" (the one who got me into this adventure and knows whats going on!!)

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 09:02
by Ian
What? 4 weeks off? Paris? Chile?


I get one week off. My number one son is off to do a Duke of Ed walk on Hinchinbrook Island, but I think my wife has LOTS of garden weeding booked up for ME. :-(

You lot just go and have fun, and when I am back at work, feeling sorry for myself, I will think of you. :boring:

Ian :cry2:

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 12:22
by Jen1
Here are the details for making donations to the Royal Flying Doctor Service in support of our 7 day car rally:
Description: OTR 107725
BSB: 306-010
A/C: 5313554

Please make sure the description is included as then we will be credited with raising the money (and we want to raise the most money on our road trip!) and we can send you a receipt for tax purposes. Also if you could message me that you have donated then we can keep a look out for it.

If anyone else would like to donate it would be most appreciated, RFDS provide a wonderful service and rely on the support of donations to keep flying in the air and rescueing us in times of need.

Cheers Jen

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 17 Sep 2010, 19:23
by sunray18
I do hope you are going to drop in at Lostock Dam Caravan Park - near Gresford.
I have an on-site van there - it is my little piece of heaven!
Quiet - peaceful...ahhhhhh.. wish I were there RIGHT now.. [-o<
There are only the lights in the van park so at night you can walk up onto the wall of the Dam and look up into the sky and the stars are so close you feel you could touch them. During the day you can look down off the dam wall and, if you are lucky, see 'moving rocks'..echidnas going about their business and early in the morning I have seen a platypus in the river that goes around the van park.. I could go on and on and...... :clap3:

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 09:30
by RosalieM
Thanks Jen1, I have emailed myself with the details.

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 20 Sep 2010, 14:16
by noona
Hi Sunray18
I am heading to Lke Glenbawn and Lake St Clare this time .
This will be the first time we have used the van so Free camping down next to the lake is good no stuck in caravan parks for us as we have 2 solar panels on the roof and two batteries in the boot,2 water tanks and the dog :cheesy: :cheesy:
Please let there be sun shine for two weeks :clap3: :clap3:
I can't wait till Saturday it acn't come quick enough for me :crazy:
Enjoy the holidays

Re: School Holiday Fun

Posted: 24 Sep 2010, 08:26
by Labbie
I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. Love to hear of all the trips being taken. Holidays in caravans etc. Please do take care.