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The boring life of MSDS's....

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 09:39
by Dee
I am in the middle of updating our MSDS's, you know that tedious job that just has to be done :yuck: :yuck: :yuck:

And I was thinking about the poor old MSDS's getting printed off and placed in a folder never to see the light of day for 5 years and then getting pulled out and thrown in the recycling bin :boring:

It really seems rather a waste of paper and ink.

I have just about used up my printing budget just on these :-(

And the hours of work....

I have now got a system in place where I have all the MSDS's listed in an excel file with their expiry date and I am going to check each month instead of the yearly (lol right!!!) that I have been doing.

This might make the job a little less like a trip to the dentist........ and give more time for :coffee:

Re: The boring life of MSDS's....

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 09:43
by Ocker
Nice trick if you can manage it!

Re: The boring life of MSDS's....

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 10:05
by Ocean Breeze
Yes, all best with that Dee :D

Re: The boring life of MSDS's....

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 12:04
by rodannt
When I do this yearly job, I recycle the old ones and put the new msds on the back of the old sheets (after putting a cross through the old one) and I now print them out on two pages per sheet, my folders aren't so chock a block now.....

Re: The boring life of MSDS's....

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 12:59
by Ocean Breeze
Oh my hat!
anne... you are SO, SO ...I will think of the word in a minute.....

determined to make things as difficult as possible for yourself!

My old one visit the bin on a one way trip to the big recycling plant in the sky (errr...or is it the tip?...)

Re: The boring life of MSDS's....

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 13:57
by vlclabbie
Great idea Dee!!!

But I thought we had to have hard copies??? Fingers crossed hoping I'm wrong! :?

Re: The boring life of MSDS's....

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 14:01
by Rowyrow
Yeah i just print them out double sided to begin with :giggle:

Re: The boring life of MSDS's....

Posted: 11 Jun 2010, 08:03
by Dee
Yeh I have hard copies as well

my excel sheet is just to make it easier to look for expired ones rather than wading through 4 folders to check each one

I just think its a huge waste of resources - printing, paper and time

Re: The boring life of MSDS's....

Posted: 11 Jun 2010, 08:10
by coxy
I thought as long as we were able to access a computer with the site in Favourites or with EASY access, we did not need to have printed/hard copies? I have a folder with all my MSDS's but never once in my 11 years at this school has a teacher looked at it, or even asked to look at it. The Admin office staff keep a folder of MSDS as well, although most of them don't even know where they keep it!

Re: The boring life of MSDS's....

Posted: 11 Jun 2010, 09:53
by Ocean Breeze
we are also required to have hard copy format. When I am producing them, I I 'send" them to the photocopiers mailbox,by selecting another printer.

that way I can print them already double sided, hole punched and stapled.
Makes life much easier By the way, I sometime might like the life of an MSDS.

Dont have to get up for work every day, no meals to prepare, dont have to shop/ mow the lawns/take out garbage/ pay bills.
Could sleep in a warm & cosy folder right next to the heater, and side by side with other like minded friends (other msds') ha ha! :coffee: