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CO2 cylinder

Posted: 03 May 2010, 12:12
by Krysia Lee
Hi Everyone
Hope you all had a lovely weekend. I've just had delivered a new CO2 cylinder. I asked the delivery fella if I stored it flat or upright. He says flat. I just thought I'd check the MSDS as he wasn't very convincing with his answer. The MSDS says to store it upright. What does everyone else do. Don't want to blow myself up.
Thanks in advance Krysia

Re: CO2 cylinder

Posted: 03 May 2010, 12:15
by RosalieM
Well, CO2 fire extinguishers are stored upright and they don't blow up... But that's about the extent of my knowledge on this. What do you have CO2 delivered for, anyway?

Re: CO2 cylinder

Posted: 03 May 2010, 12:21
by Jen1
I have never seen ANY gas cylinder stored flat, always been upright and if large, chained to a wall

Re: CO2 cylinder

Posted: 03 May 2010, 12:40
by Ian
I'm with Jen1. My understanding, from doing a Welding course several years ago, is that ALL gas cylinders (Argon, Acetylene, Oxygen, CO2, LPG, etc, should ALL be stored upright to protect valves, regulators, etc. I guess that would apply to Helium and N2 as well. and, yes, if they are more than a couple of feet tall, they should be chained to the wall.


Ian :)

Re: CO2 cylinder

Posted: 03 May 2010, 12:54
by Krysia Lee
Thank you guys I feel alot more confident with you all out there somewhere. Rosalie we have it delivered because the teachers like doing the dry ice demo's. We have a snowpak attachment that when attached gives about 100mL. The kids think its all very special.

Re: CO2 cylinder

Posted: 03 May 2010, 13:27
by Ocker
The reason for storing upright is:-
The gas in cylinder is under pressure and in liquid form with Gas area at top this gas state gets bigger as you use it.
If you leave it flat, liquid will come through the regulator, can form ice crystals in jets and Diaphrams,( Not Good) and Yes!
It should be secured in a bracket or chained in a trolley, because if it fell over it could snap off stopcock then become a torpedo and kill someone!

Re: CO2 cylinder

Posted: 03 May 2010, 13:34
by trish armstrong
My husband and I own the Gas co in town, and the law is that all gas cylinders are to be stored upright and be chained to the wall. the only exempt is if they have a purpose built store room for them. Industrial arts here has one.
If they are not chained to the wall and fall over they can be like torpedo's.
Trish :D

Re: CO2 cylinder

Posted: 03 May 2010, 13:42
by RosalieM
Oh wow - I just collect dry ice in a little 6 pack esky on my way to work when we need it. I didn't know you could make it yourself.

Re: CO2 cylinder

Posted: 04 May 2010, 10:14
Hi Krysia,
Can you tell where you got the Snowpack attachment from?