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Sodium Hydroxide residue

Posted: 21 Apr 2010, 11:33
by bindi
I have some glass bottles that contained NaOH 1M. Im having trouble cleaning them.

I do remember seeing this on a post before but cant seem to find it.

Re: Sodium Hydroxide residue

Posted: 21 Apr 2010, 11:48
by sunray18
I use acid to clean them... it will work as long as the glass isnt etched..

Re: Sodium Hydroxide residue

Posted: 21 Apr 2010, 12:35
by bindi
I was hoping for a alternative to acid.

I remember reading it and thinking what a good idea.
(not nappysan).
But I could just be a little crazy :crazy: Bring on the long weekend!

Re: Sodium Hydroxide residue

Posted: 21 Apr 2010, 15:38
by dime
Maybe NAPISAN :oops:

Re: Sodium Hydroxide residue

Posted: 22 Apr 2010, 10:05
by RosalieM
I have used lemonade. Just need to make sure you rinse it really well after. The cheap homebrand (about 80c for 1.25L) is all you need :) don't worry about the expensive stuff! Doesn't work so well after it goes flat (still works a bit, just not as good as fresh) so I think it's a combination of the ingredients and the bubbles, although I haven't tried plain soda water... maybe that would work too, and without the stickyness! Maybe I should try it out sometime... I discovered the lemonade by accident (like all good scientists!!) when I poured it into a dropper bottle for a prac and it just started bubbling madly and cleaned it!! It had been cleaned by other methods and I'd given up on the glass ever becoming clear again...

Re: Sodium Hydroxide residue

Posted: 22 Apr 2010, 10:10
by Ocker
If the lemonade works, must be worth a try in sodium bi-carbonate

Re: Sodium Hydroxide residue

Posted: 22 Apr 2010, 12:12
by rae
Hasn't lemonade got citric acid in it??

What about oxalic acid it seems to fix lots of things!!