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Insect spray in schools

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 09:36
by lainyv
Can anyone out there (is anyone out there) help me. I am in charge of the chemical storage at our school. All is going well but the other day I was asked a question by an office member that I am hoping someone can answer. Does your school spray routinely for pests and if so do they do it ion school hours or at the weekend. I'm talking about groundsmen spraying outdoors. I think it should be done when no kids are around to give time for it to dry before coming into contact with the children but the big boss says it is OK to do during school hours. Does anyone have a say???? thanks for any help :coffee:

Re: Insect spray in schools

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 09:51
by macca
Hi, I only do science these days don't get payed enough to do the whole school, but when I did, made sure it was done on the weekends or school holidays. Even AG chemicals eg., Round-up they a suposed to display signage, that it has taken place. Hope this helps.

Re: Insect spray in schools

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 09:59
by Ian
I am not sure if there is a rule that states that spraying MUST be done on weekends or holidays, but when I was on the grounds/Maintenance team a few years ago, we would not use ANY chemicals during school hours. Even if the manufacturer claims that their stuff is "safe" we were not prepared to risk an anaphylactic reaction from even ONE kid in a school of 800. "Safe" around kids might just mean "As safe as Peanuts"!!

Using pesticides etc on weekends and holidays rather than in school hours is just common sense!


Re: Insect spray in schools

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 10:05
by RosalieM
Our school got done professionally over the summer holidays and staff weren't allowed in their area on the day it was sprayed, and recommended to stay away longer. I can't imagine it would be a good thing to do during class time. I think it took about a week to do the whole school.

Re: Insect spray in schools

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 11:10
by bindi
Sorry if this comes up twice

Pest control should only be done out of school hours, due to people who have chemical sensitivity and lung problems. Vapours & dusts can be airborn on windy days.


Re: Insect spray in schools

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 11:24
by J
I forgot to take something home one afternoon after school. When I came back at about 4.30 to grab it, luckily I saw the pest control man spraying liquid stuff all over the entrance door to the prep room. It ran all down the door, was all over the door handle and all over the place!! :yuck: :yuck:
If I had arrived a couple minutes later I would not have seen it and would have put my hand straight into this whatever it was!! :redcard: :redcard:
It would have been nice to be told this was happening, but kept in the dark as usual. :-({|= :-({|=

Re: Insect spray in schools

Posted: 08 Mar 2010, 11:55
by bindi
Check this site out ... cation.htm

Look in: Notification of pesticide use in sensitive places

Schools is no 1 on the list.

hope that helps the cause 8-)

Vic schools are the similar.

Re: Insect spray in schools

Posted: 10 Mar 2010, 10:39
by matchstick
our pest control for all crepy crawlys is done each holidays,the end of each term
Far too dangerous to student with allergies and not to mention staff