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Light Corn Syrup

Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 11:51
by hshs
We have a prac which requires 'Light Corn Syrup'. We made up a recipe using water, sugar and cream of tartar but it went solid on us. Does anyone have any tips on making this and keeping it at a syrupy state? thanks [-o<

Re: Light Corn Syrup

Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 12:03
by bindibadgi
Try this recipe.....

Light Corn Syrup Substitute
2 cups granulated sugar
3/4 cup water
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
Dash of salt

Combine all ingredients in a heavy, large pan. Stir and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a simmer and put cover on it for 3 minutes to get sugar crystals off the sides of the pan. Uncover and cook until it reaches soft ball stage. Stir often.

Cool syrup and store in a covered container at room temperature. It will keep for about 2 months.

Makes almost 2 cups.


Re: Light Corn Syrup

Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 12:11
by RosalieM
bindibadgi, you must have done the same search I just did :)

hshs: Perhaps you cooked it too long, turning the sugar into more of a toffee? After a little search on the internet (your question sparked my interest) it seems glucose syrup is fairly similar.

"What can be used if corn syrup isn't available where I live?

Glucose is what most professionals use and can be substituted 1 for 1. It can come from different sources, including corn or wheat. You can look for it online or visit a professional baking supply store in your area."

From the website: ... use_c.html

Re: Light Corn Syrup

Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 12:13
by hshs
We used that recipe but were not successful. Is there a trick to know when it is ready?

Re: Light Corn Syrup

Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 13:08
by Ev
You can buy light corn syrup and corn syrup at the supermarket. I have purchased it from IGA in the past.


Re: Light Corn Syrup

Posted: 03 Mar 2010, 14:45
by smiley
Dunno where you are in WA, but do what I do. When you can't find something in the boondocks, ask someone from Perth (in your case) to find it and send it to you. Won't help at short notice, but otherwise can be OK.

Re: Light Corn Syrup

Posted: 04 Mar 2010, 14:26
by Voice
I cannot buy Light Corn Syrup at supermarkets in Melbourne but I can it at a decent Health Food Store.
Good Luck