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removing stopcock from sep funnel

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 14:52
by kate1
Hi All,
Does anyone have any hints on removing a jammed glass stopcock from a separating funnel? The chemistry teacher here suggested putting the whole thing in oil, letting it soak, and then tapping the stopcock gently and repeatedly with a rubber mallet. But he said that it is a labourious process and the risk of breakage of the separating funnel is quite high. Does anyone have any other ideas:?:


//EDITED by adam. Reason: make subject more descriptive.

Separatory Funnel

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 08:35
by Robb
Hi Kate1,

You could support the funnel on both sides of the stopcock and gently tap it on the bench. The more time you spend doing this the more likely it is to be shocked out of the jammed position. If this doesn't work try pouring Boiling water over the stopcock and repeating the process to free it completely.

I hope this helps...


Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 08:54
by juliem
Hi Kate
I often have luck by running very hot water over the stopcock for a few minutes, then pour a few drops of cooking oil around the wide rim edge having the stopcock sit upright to allow seapage Have patience and check after a couple of days
regards juliem

Separating funnel

Posted: 28 Sep 2006, 21:51
by Robbie
The one way I have had success in unjamming blocked glassware like this is to soak it overnight or over the weekend in honey. Yes honey!!

My husband who grew up as a farmer's son in northern Europe - Latvia - told me that was the method they had used for generations in his family. If something on the farm jammed that was what they did. I laughed at first until I tried it. And then discovered it was very successful. I always receive skeptical looks when I suggest this...but try. Honey will get through a hole too small for water.

Best of luck,


Re: removing stopcock from sep funnel

Posted: 21 Sep 2012, 08:39
by Narelle01
mine aren't stuck, but didn't want to start a whole new thread....

How do you effectively wsh them??? Mine are gummed up with oil...tried soaking in very hot water and detergent for a few hours - dishwasher???

Re: removing stopcock from sep funnel

Posted: 02 Oct 2012, 12:09
by RosalieM
Narelle01 wrote:mine aren't stuck, but didn't want to start a whole new thread....

How do you effectively wsh them??? Mine are gummed up with oil...tried soaking in very hot water and detergent for a few hours - dishwasher???
Mine go through the dishwasher. I take the stopcocks out and wash them in the cutlery section and put the narrow end of the funnel over a spike. I make sure they are far enough apart that they won't collide mid-cycle and break.

Re: Separating funnel

Posted: 16 Oct 2012, 08:58
by kmd
Robbie wrote:The one way I have had success in unjamming blocked glassware like this is to soak it overnight or over the weekend in honey. Yes honey!!


Hi Robbie,
I remembered reading your comment about honey. Well, I came across the distillation equipment last week and noticed one of the plugs were stuck. I soaked it over the weekend, and what do you know? It came out. Thanks for the tip.