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exhaust fan & container

Posted: 03 Aug 2009, 14:32
by malook
Hi all, I'm a newbie at this site and would appreciate your expertise with a couple of things. Firstly with the upgrade of our labs next year we need to shift our chemical store and I've been unable to find out the specifications for an extraction fan for the refit on DET website. We are also going to hire a container for storage during the process and I'm hoping someone can recommend a good company in Sydney to use. Also can you get a container with shelving???
Many thanks for your help, Malook

Re: exhaust fan & container

Posted: 03 Aug 2009, 15:16
by lada
Hi Malook, it has been a few years since we did our hazchem store, but we made a mistake in letting natural cross-ventilation be our only ventilation. Every time we did inventory and had to spend any significant length of time in the store, the smell was quite strong. After a while I insisted that school puts in a fan. I have no specification on this, but it runs as soon as i turn the light on. It is sparkless, so doesn't set the store alight. I think if you tell the electrician size of the store, he should be able to tell you the motor capacity nedded.
Lada :coffee:

Re: exhaust fan & container

Posted: 04 Aug 2009, 09:45
by noona
Hi Malook
The GA got our container from a company out of the Yellow Pages.
We took the old cupboards from the labs that were first to be done and put them in the contaioner one on top of the other as well as draws and then put all the stuff in them,and on the the small container you will get 3 or 4 containers down each side so you can have 8 cupboards and draws to put everything in.We had 3 labs & prep romm done first and then the next 3 labs done.
So we could put the equipment from the 2nd 3 labs into the ones done first and then when the last 3 were done took the equipment from the container.