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Asset Registers

Posted: 28 Jul 2009, 10:21
by labman
Hi All,
I have been asked to set up an Asset Register for Science. Other depts. will also have their own, and then they will be kept in a central folder.
Should I just incorporate it as part of the stock register (which I am re-doing also) so I have the cost of every item covered, or just put the more expensive items on a separate one.
I would be interested in hearing how other people have done theirs, and any other suggestions/ideas would be welcome.

Re: Asset Registers

Posted: 28 Jul 2009, 10:29
by Labbie
Here is NSW DET schools, they all go through a central register. They are printed out each year, for us to check that those items are still here. The rules for our Asset Registers, is any thing over $500.00 goes onto the register. We have a bar code number Sticky thingo Pre printed label, that is then recorded in OASIS, and put on that so called item. The pre printed label has the year and a item number. I am not too sure what other schools that are not DET do. Would be interesting to hear.

Re: Asset Registers

Posted: 28 Jul 2009, 11:06
by Jen1
I keep an excel file of all equipment that has quantity and price recorded and use this when doing my stocktake. Usually the registrar only wants items that are over $500 classified as an asset and I sort the excel file by price and print off what she wants. Perhaps you could go back to whoever asked you to set up the asset list as to exactly what they want.

Re: Asset Registers

Posted: 28 Jul 2009, 12:33
by smiley
Make sure you include yourself on the list. :thumbup:

Re: Asset Registers

Posted: 28 Jul 2009, 12:50
by macca
LOL :cheesy: :cheesy: Of course include yourself who else would be asked to do a Science Stocktake or assets register, or more to the point who would be better qualified.

Re: Asset Registers

Posted: 28 Jul 2009, 13:53
by Jen1
ha ha, :cheesy: I'm adding myself to my excel file, I wonder what monetary value I should have?? :crazy:

Re: Asset Registers

Posted: 28 Jul 2009, 14:31
by Loopy
Priceless!!!!!! :cheesy:

Re: Asset Registers

Posted: 28 Jul 2009, 14:32
by dime
Priceless! 8-)