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Pascoe Sensors

Posted: 12 May 2009, 14:08
by kimm
Our school is looking to part ways with all our pascoe equipment. We have had it for quite a few years now - with very little use (used under 20 times in 8 years). What a waste. We have alot of sensors - motion, force, pressure, voltage, acceleration, pH, calourimeter, dis O2, EKG, heartrate, respiration, photogates, carts and accessories, power amplifier and it goes on. My previous boss loved it- bought it then left - all the other teachers are too scared to use it. Now it looks like they are going to buy Vernier Data loggers.
If you are interested give me a yell and i will pass on all the details.

Re: Pascoe Sensors

Posted: 12 May 2009, 15:54
by nickyw
I may be interested I would like the details and we might be able to work something out. :clap3:

Re: Pascoe Sensors

Posted: 13 May 2009, 09:44
by kimm
Morning Everybody - I hopefully have attached a list of all the sensors and there codes - we bought most of them in 2003 and some are still unopened. The only one i would be concerned about would be the dis O2 sensor as the membrane is so delicate and it has been years since we have used it. I had photos to attach but forgot my computer cord so will have to do that another time.
Pasco Computer1.doc

Re: Pascoe Sensors

Posted: 13 May 2009, 10:28
by kimm
Whoaa wouldn't believe it - now that i have pulled it all out of the cupboard - my HOD thinks she might want to keep it after all. 5 years of no use - tis bit like the juicer really - once it goes in the cupboard - it doesn't get used. No wonder I drink.!! But watch this space - we may change our mind again very shortly.